
Posts Tagged ‘huffingtonpost’

After spending nearly six weeks away visiting my sons and their families and being blessed by so many joys and memories (see previous posting) I am now back on the West Coast in Northern California, at present house and pet sitting for dear friends. Next week I head to Mt Shasta once again to spend a good portion of the winter, if not all of it and beyond.

My life is much like everyone’s these days….plans for next moves don’t quite fit or resonate, lots of ifs, buts and perceived lack of support in so many ways…..thus very short turn-around plans are more called for with the caveat “pay attention to the synchronicity” each day for revision status if necessary!

What many people miss in the desire to plan outcomes and control people or situations is that the only piece that is reliable is “OUR OWN and how we respond in light of our knowing and perceived desires”. What is out of our hands and control is how “the other/s respond”. This is a big lesson….in the fulfillment of direction or action can the more appropriate gift or outcome be seen!

In your or any person’s private world there are those few who you can rely on to honor their word and actions. Then there is the other extreme with those who continually let you down at the last moment with excuse after excuse as to why not, yet many of us often hold the hope that they will change. And then there are those who “drop the ball” by being influenced by a third or fourth party whose insecurities are more at play in sabotage and to not have a chosen outcome, plus all other scenarios in between.

I am not beyond reproach unfortunately. There have been times that I have disappointed others, not intentionally yet perhaps I was too wrapped up in my own stuff, pain and insecurities to not see what was important to someone else. I try not to do that now yet I am not perfect! Now when I fall short I hope that “other one” can communicate and discuss what went wrong so clarity of connection can be established or re-established. If “they/we” don’t understand each others language (emotional, mental, generational and locational) then confusion and misunderstandings will always continue.

Do you Listen well and in turn Do you Hear what is being said?

This topic has come up recently with several friends in very different circumstances as well as for myself which makes one question what is being done wrong or incorrectly. Others choices influence outcomes!

While in Florida I had arranged to do some work with a client and present a workshop or two. We discussed everything and planned what appeared to be a great experience for all. This client also wanted to bring another “friend” into the planning which was OK with me. Topics, dates, ideas, fees and financial benefit/expenses for me were all covered. This was to be held in a very affluent area of Florida. I departed on the four hour drive with positive expectations.

During the next three days staying at my client’s home I was teaching and sharing life experiences as learning tools in relation to her questions and desires to learn and grow further. The day of the gathering eleven people were scheduled to be present (as I was told). During earlier conversations little pieces of information and concerns over the behavior and motives of the friend were brought up….red flags…..I could express my concerns and opinions yet knew I had to just play it out, do what I had come to do, teach and example.

As it turned out among other things…the friend arrived late with one other person, created delays totaling 45 minutes and left only a small portion of the agreed fee in change. The several other people there were very nice and interested. What I had planned to discussed got changed, not by me but from my guidance. Although the original topic on “Four Principles to Empowerment -To Release, To Claim, To Give and To Receive” was covered during the evening it was not as I had expected yet through other examples. Many other topics, not on my agenda were inserted and all in all it was a very powerful evening. A friend of mine who offered to videotape the evening commented later that I didn’t stick to the publicized topic. I agreed yet also had to say that because of all the other “changes and undermining” done “guidance” chose to move me and the information in other ways to the benefit of those present.

The actions (unknown to me) of one person influenced everyone originally interested in attending to the extent that many did not arrive. Later that evening I further learned my client had been influenced/told not to book any private sessions for me; that being paid was unnecessary and that I was competition for her, even though I was only in the area a few days!

The icing on the cake so to speak came the next day after  holding ceremony with the Labyrinth for my client. She had a profound experience bringing up tears. I shared with her that because of her friend’s actions many others had been denied the same experience she just had and that was sad.

Of course the whole experience would not have been complete without having to hear from my client “oh I don’t have any money now!” This was not true when her circumstances were seen from other perspectives, what she really had hidden away and some funds were provided.

In an ideal world there is the never-ending cycling and spiraling of energy to fulfill all our needs and desires, the real flow of the Four Principles to Empowerment. Yet when fear, control, doubt and lack in any and all forms surface then the beautiful magic of manifestation, love, growth and generosity are lost.

The huge losses from Hurricane Sandy, the generosity of unknown little people of humanity to help those in need……giving $16 million plus to big corporate entities like The Red Cross whose partial Mission is to help those in need, their Other Mission is to make money (research yourself) those in Need who are now asking where is The Red Cross, FEMA, Governments, Corporations and the Billionaires of the World to open their coffers wide and free of strings to release the massive financial energy locked away that has been gained at the expense of our World’s Population, every single person.

The Golden Age of Change is upon and within us…….In just over one month – 12/21 and beyond marks the absolute new beginning of time, space and life – a Beam cycle of 26,000 years literally ending for a new Beam of Light Life to be chosen…..these concepts are so far beyond what most anyone can fathom, never the less true.

I see these hard individual and collective lessons and awakenings (ancient to present), feelings of being unfulfilled and less than our greatness that have played out for thousands of years are moments for reflection on “what new Harmonic Galactic Beam will be chosen for Earth to travel in to the future NOW?”

Exercise: Standing at the crossroads, five doors appear around you…different colors different directions and different designs……contemplation, meditation, patience, love, compassion……which one will you choose to open and turn the Light on……the Light will reveal Heart and Soul’s desire!

For now Blessings to All…Until……..

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I had not planned on writing this particular posting today, in fact I have been working on the topic of Language, Leadership and Labyrinths in preparation for a series of seminars I will be presenting. Although upon reflection it actually has everything to do with Language and Leadership!

While surfing the following headline caught my eye and so a click followed suit.

Michele Bachmann Anti-Abortion Rally: Former GOP Presidential Candidate Speaks At Event

“Here on our watch we will stand, we will stand for life, we will never forget, we will never give up, and next year we will gather in a day of celebration when we have finally ended abortion in this all important election,” she said. “Join me this year. Choose life.” This is the quote from the Huffington Post piece.

Well, it brought back some similar feelings when George W. Bush made reference to “Every Life has Value” at a speech at Kansas State in 2006 or so.

In 2006-7 season, I decided to put the issue out to my television audience at the time, here is the transcript on The Meaning of ProLife. In light of our current world situation, deep thought is once again appropriate.

The Meaning of Prolife

“There is a very fine line that is crossed in this debate

Let me ask you these questions:

If you believe in Prolife is it applicable in all areas of life!

Is it still an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

In taking a stance for Prolife,  do you also believe in:

The Death Penalty,

The NRA,

Military Action,

Do you support placing guns in the hands of the children you saved through pro life that are now adults!

Do you rejoice when the enemy is killed and want retaliation when your own are killed!

Is it win at any cost!

Is a Prolife stance only a display for Political and Social acceptance!

Does a Prolife stance only affect select portions of the population!

Does death justify death and revenge override forgiveness!

And then if one holds a strong religious belief and faith in the Original and True teachings of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, The Tao and Native American teachings, wisdoms   and any other discipline that is Truly Guided by the Essence of God, Divine Love, Compassion and Heart Centered Action

Can any of the above mentioned be supported with conviction?

What does your heart and soul say!

It is for YOU to make the decision

For You cannot support Both and not be a hypocrite!


And I will included the transcript for another piece presented to my audience titled Return to Arlington.

In preparation:

The view through the lens of the eye is of row after row, street after street, hill after hill of crosses, well ordered and manicured to cover the tragedy beneath. At the top of the hill, a glance through a space in the trees reveals the coldness of THE PENTAGON. A sign nearby reads “SILENCE AND RESPECT. 

Return to Arlington

Who has determined that this ultimate life sacrifice is to the benefit of all – Where is the proof?

Where is the benevolence on the path leading to this resting place?

If each held in their heart that theirs was an honorable fight to end all fights, What can now be said!

Life to Death, the Illusion of Ultimate Deception!

Such honors were bestowed,

Only is it because of responsibility lost that they lie here now!

Those who come in droves to see, they wander as though numb to the message within the ethers of the land?

They walk as zombies following the paths, yet seeing not the lives before them.

So few have died in this land. So few have souls free of pain.

Perhaps they stayed in lands distant from this place, hearts wrenching with the knowing of deeds passed on and platitudes resounding through the air.

It is not of them, it never was nor ever will be,

Love and hate so closely tied, the bond of infinity seldom lies.

It is not of the land alone – it is of peoples and hearts undone.

Breathe in Life, breathe in death, one in the same, a mirror of the time.

It is not of you

You are not me

Yet as it flows to stream and sea

Hearts and Soul connect

So Mote It Be!

A mother cries in a distant land, the child she bore is here no more.

There is no home on this land here – this land is the same on a distant shore

A wail, a cry, an anguished heart –

Who says what is right

Who says what is not

The anger in the hearts of men, admonished power, relentless in the need for greed.

No right or wrong in the Angel’s Soul, for light shines forth in this illusion of the death

A life to claim and a life to live,

For those who rest a while, then move beyond the confines of this mortal place.

“Silence and Respect”.    It is time for silence no more –

How many more mother and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters have to return here before the “ the Inner Soul of this Nation” yells ENOUGH!

(In May 2007 I took DVD copies of these two video pieces to Capital Hill and delivered them to the office’s of numerous Senators. Did they ever look at them – I doubt it!)


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So much is happening these days and much of it completely unexpected!

The continuing  video series on Spiritual Baggage. Here are segments 2 and 3 in the series. Hope you enjoy the information……many have found it enlightening and helpful in their lives. (sometimes Youtube scares me!)

Spiritual Baggage Final video the next single posting.

Check this out also

Another article and perspective I don’t necessarily agree with, you decide for yourself as usual!     The Spirit Ends When The Brain Dies by 

There are also new videos (see sidebar) I created for Ted Dawson, Native American Herbalist at Mountain Wintu Herbs. These are an interesting educational journey. A couple more segments will be following shortly.

Could it be Karma!

Who would have ever guessed that the symbol of financial world dominance (Wall Street and the Twin Towers) and the role of morphing the view of freedom to a view of bondage by terror for 9 years (a complete numerical cycle) has now become the very vantage point of a new cycle (10 = 1 …year 1 of a new cycle) ……..the people standing in non-violent formation demanding the Elite powers of finance, power, domination and manipulation be accountable, stop, return, surrender and accept “it is not, cannot and will not be…..business as per THEIR usual.”

Occupy Wall Street, New York and Beyond     The People are speaking!   Join the voices from around the world!

Remembering back to the very early beginning of the Internet,which I believe was a large “covert” project established between the government, military and specific educational institutions to disseminate, formulate, process, cover-up and instigate information and actions behind the scenes without being seen…….and NOW over the past number of years it  is this very same instrument that is, has been and will continue to”expose them and their deeds” to the people of the world.

Could this be what one calls….”A Massive Spiritual Set-Up!”

Another Visionary has left us!

Yesterday, the sad and unexpected news of the passing of Steve Jobs, visionary and creator of Apple. He established Apple in 1976 yet it appears really pivotal years were around 1986-1993. These were also pivotal years for two other visionaries that pass unexpectedly from this earthly presence this year.

In 1986-7, Jose Aguelles gave birth to the meaning of the ancient prophesies of the Maya and their calendar, heralded by the Harmonic Convergence in August, 1987. This very information is what has been driving the world towards the dates of October 28, 2011 and December 21,2012……and the complete unknown of what “will really happen!”

In 1987 Ra Uru Hu was “downloaded” with amazing information that became the formal process called Human Design. For anyone familiar with HD, it is an incredible source of revelation and has often been called, which I completely agreed with,  “is the new psychology for the 21st century and millennium.

There maybe other inspiring visionaries that could be included here also.

The incredible similarity here is that “each man was gifted with galactic knowledge which I see to reside outside the brain (a processing muscle). Through their unique soul/mind/consciousness brain processing, the information in each case was formulated into usable, binary, numerically based, traceable through time lines and weaving time, space, information through  (1) inanimate object = computer;     (2)galactic and cosmic history = Mayan Calendar;    (3)Human Design Grid = the unique physcial, mental, emotional, spiritual and soul blueprint of each person.

Their work was done and the rest of us are left to use, expand and create the next level of amazing information…..just as the unique information these men (and others) were gifted with did not exist before it was brought down to earth level….the NEW information we are waiting for will be gifted through the right person/people at the right times and places, in the right ways and for correct use.

Perhaps some of it is here already but I very much doubt the critical and essential threads have been revealed……humanity and power have not proven enough integrity and responsibility to be trust thus far!  In a surprise conversation with someone (a scientist) from the past this week….the dialogue turned to “remote viewing” and he told that the military have incredibly well trained viewers that are able to see future events…..yet have not been able to “see correctly” in and around 2012 dates…….how interesting is that!

We all have to live with patience (tough, I know), in light consciousness, pure heart and compassion, acceptance and tolerance for difference, support and presence…..for maybe, one day, it could be anyone of us that is chosen to be the deliverer of the new cosmic, galactic, earthly manifesting information to change the way the everyday world lives!


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Delayed Social Security Payments May Prevent Default But Would Cause Disaster

Today’s headline…..and oh such audacity they have in DC!

How about a gifted donation from the top 400 BILLIONAIRES in this country of a few hundred million or a billion each to cover all they have gathered over the years, from those like you and I!

How about all representatives of the people fore go their salaries for the next month and feel as the rest of the population feels with such headline threats!

Perhaps it is time for all those who believe they are in power to feel humility of their life, strip down to their shorts and sit on the earth of the Washington Mall and give thanks for being such great tools
and expressions of what they now represent…..

Stop the insane partisan posturing for it means naught……..

Action of integrity will only show truth…….and that must start at the top with every single one of you…..


At the end of the day and your time on earth power, possession, fears, greed, intolerance will mean nothing…..for all one seeks is that Light and Love and Peace secured by the Divine God, Creator.

And so it is!

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Summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere and the heat with it. In the Southern Hemisphere winter is making itself known as the shortest day of the year is expressed in the late rising and early setting of the sun heralding a long dark night ahead. When I am today the temps are pushing 100 degrees with dry hot air. Such is the welcoming for this powerful Summer Solstice celebration!

In places near and far there are gatherings to celebrate and honor yet another cycle of nature. Tonight, along with a couple of friends, we will gather with others to drum and sing in the pleasant night air. Such will be a finale of sorts to a very powerful weekend retreat and for me the end four weeks of very intense, sometimes challenging, often joyful and definitely self-expanding experiences. And it is because of all this that I have been rather neglectful of postings, in fact, writer’s block was such that my mind could only see a blank page most of the time. Let’s hope this is at an end!

The Earth Spirit Vision Quest Retreat was a wonderful experience for me to once again facilitate. From Friday to Sunday thirteen sojourners –  6 women and 7 men sort the Vision. To have more men than women participating was a profound affirmation and honor. The men were from quite different backgrounds and social standings, as were the women, yet all joined, shared and learned about varying perceptions and science on 5th Dimension Mysticism, space and time collapsing as it relates to everyday life, the meaning and energy changes from walking a labyrinth, new ways of looking at health issues, spirit world, ancient teachings and the personal experience of Sound and Energy Healing. Profound transformations were witnessed and acknowledged in the finality of the Vision Quest. (If you are interested in hosting a retreat weekend please email for more information.)

The week prior, I had spent helping a friend make with hands and feet, a quantity of sacred wool felts. And as I had learned from my previous experience of doing and sharing the work, one can go through a huge gamut of feelings and expressions on all levels while working the wool. Automated processes and industrialization has taken this “gift” out of so much of today’s product productions. Besides creating beautiful textiles, objects, clothing and living commodities, the people of ancient and indigenous cultures knew that personal involvement in the process was as important to the village or family’s health and wealth as the products created. Our per se “modern industrialized and material societies” do not afford that and this is OUR COLLECTIVE LOSS!

(Ice fishing at Castle Lake, CA – June 7, 2011)

As I don’t have and have not had a television for quite a few years, during occasional stays in a hotel or every now and then I look through The Huffington Post online to see if the world is still there and what it is doing!

From this detached place it all pretty much strikes me as the same continuing Soap Opera, just a change of actors and scene settings. The political scene, upcoming election drive, corruption, scandals, financial games large and small, government hiding, war mongering and terrorism threats, continual lack of everything to make life acceptable, violent scenarios and movies foretelling our end have not changed in years and years and years. Do you believe all you see and hear? Can you read between the lines of what is not said and by whom! If you were to go back into the archives of papers and television five year, ten years, twenty even further back, you may be shockingly surprised to see and hear the exact same things happening.

(Making of a sacred drum)

Why! Because so often our own common sense is usurped by our “belief” that those looked up to, in power, more knowledgeable than ourselves and so on would never hurt or deceive the people!

If you claim back yourself as a unique, independent thinking, heart centered spiritual/physical individual your world can change and thus the bigger world for all of us!

Until we meet again………..

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I am working on the next posting after a short week of personal retreat.

And in this time of great transition for many I am offering short Readings for those who need a little more clarity in their inner/outer journey.

This is a gift to you readers and for you to know the power of my work and gifts.

Contact me to make an phone/Skype/personal appointment.

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Where did she disappear to!

This is what many of you have probably been asking this past week or so since no postings have appeared. Intensity is probably the only word to describe what is going on for oh, so many people and countries. To be honest with you, I have been trying to write this blog for a couple of days now and each time I start its direction changes and the potency increases….when reading about the upcoming eclipses this will make sense. That being said I will keep it short and hopefully not too disjointed. Even my spelling has gone out the window!

Since Mother’s Day all has been ramped up a few notches once again and yesterday May 21 had been touted by some select Christian fundamental groups as the “end of the world”….a prediction they seem to get wrong over and over again but it is a good hook for many!

Then a look at the news from the Middle East and the aggression of forces over the people speaking out…..so much more bloodshed spilling onto the already “blood soaked lands.” The weather is doing its crazy dance through the skies and land with flooding and tornadoes raging havoc, volcanoes – Fire in the land of Ice (Iceland) once again, temps that go from near 80 one day to inches of snow and massive winds the next few……this is what happened in Sonora, Ca a week ago – so bizarre! Has all the cloud seeding, chem trails and HAARP frequency manipulations done so much damage that Mother Nature has no idea of which end is up!

More politicians and “influential people” being caught by their past and their raw abuse of “self-power”. Fear mongers continue to paint on bigger canvases the disasters of living or surviving in the material world…..not enough money, jobs, health……you name it, we believe it!

What astrology is saying!   Take the information in the context of the big and small pictures of what’s happening. Information adds more pieces to reveal clarity of the puzzle.

I am going to give you links to other people I know and respect for you to research. Beverly Bright – Human Design readings;  Grant Larson Radio Love, Relationships and You

Personally, in the past few weeks I have asked my guidance to ramp me up to the next levels, what ever they are and I got my wish. The intensity has been amazing. Events just presenting themselves for me to decide is this what I want!

A week ago a personal intense weekend of delving into the dark fires and emotions within; a major conversation revealing values and the power of stepping into the bigger public role; in the past week I have watched, tried to stop, to help, perhaps some what enable at times, two dear friends close on self-destruct with alcohol, DUI and prescription drugs. They hit bottom and now it is the journey upwards. Feeling, seeing, remembering similar times in the distant past when I had and have seen other loved ones fall into the dark abyss of seeming no return.

Then out of the blue an invitation to participant in the 1,000 Hummingbird Woman Gathering with the honor of teaching through my gifts of presence, storytelling and energy sound healing. This is an opportunity I have been waiting for so I am blessed! After that I head to Ashland to spend a few days with a friend and then to Mt Shasta for a week to stomp sacred felts and retreat again with my friend Jessica and then returning to Sonora to facilitate the second Spirit Journey Retreat on June 17-19. Sonora Retreat flyer

This is how these times unfold when we take a step or two into new or unknown circumstances. It is as though the universe is testing us to see if  we are serious about what we say or are they just words. Often there is no time to think, just feel and say yes or no!

Take time to breathe, stand firm on the ground and trust Your Own Intuitive messages.

Many Blessings until………

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Today is the celebration of Mother’s Day. The day our advertising world tells and demands that the role of Mother is to be honored and remembered, most especially by purchasing “the unforgettable items or services for the one who gave you life!”  Sentiments to absolutely touch the heart and wallet or bigger, the bank account.

Yet beyond all this, the celebration of Mother’s Day is filled with bitter sweet and sweet bitter memories for infinite numbers all across the world.

Today there are those rejoicing in the wonders of new motherhood, like my daughter-in-law, Shannon. Along with my son Mathew, they are learning the nuances of the vital new personality named Brayden. In the role of “grandmother” I reminisce on those same days many years earlier, at the births of both Jerame and Mathew. Then following the threads forward until today, I remember as only I can.

And this takes me to remember my mother who is now 86 years old, living in Australia. We will talk today yet as usual the conversation will be short and more of a repeat of our last conversations…..she does not get out because she is not able to walk very well and her hearing appears to be selective at times….”I can’t hear you” is often repeated, yet if I were to mention or worse yet ask for money…..her attention would be snapped into focus and clarity be razor sharp! This makes me smile now though in the past it had been a bone of contention to say the least.  Today I remember so much and send her love through the ether’s of our hearts that have always been connected……from birth and beyond!


This day is not so sweet for others. For mothers so loved who are not here any longer; those who have rifts and caverns or great canyons of despair, anger or worse yet hate so unresolved, there is little sweetness.

Loss of a mother, loss of a father, loss of a child, loss of a friend, loss of an enemy…….all this and then the loss of oneself!

One day back in 2005 while living outside Washington DC I was drawn to visit Arlington Cemetery. It was a visit I had resisted several times. On that day with camera in hand I filmed the scene. Walking along the paths, each side lined with row upon row of white crosses, I filmed not knowing why it was important.

Return to Arlington video

If you have not visited this place it is very hard to imagine! It is the size of a small town. It is laid out as such, street after street offering different views and landscapes. No houses…just white crosses…..etheric residences.

The result of this day was a short quite powerful video piece called “Return to Arlington”. (Although my camera quality at the time was not fabulous, the message within it is powerful and thought-provoking…and revealed itself again today as I prepared to write this entry.)

Here are a few lines which are particularly poignant for today and the days around us.

“Breathe in life, breathe in death….It is one and the same….a mirror of our times…………….

A mother cries in a distant land, the child she bore is here no more.

There is no home on this land here….this land here is the same on a distant shore.

A wail, a cry, an anguished heart

Who says what’s right!  Who says what’s not! …………………………….

It is time for silence no more!

How many more mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters must return to THIS resting place


On this day of honoring Mother, The Mother, Our Mothers, the feminine birth with each woman and each man…..

Can we hear and feel our Soul’s cry ENOUGH!

Can we hear and feel our Heart’s cry ENOUGH!

Can we hear and feel and BELIEVE the world has LOST enough!



If so……Say so!…….Write and Feel and Believe

“my Inner Soul has had enough…..I claim back myself and I claim back my Nation and I claim back the Mother!”

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 Just in     Somewhat sheepishly, Exxon makes $11 billion

As the population of Planet Earth is just about 7 billion people – what can be said about this single first quarter profit of ONE oil company!    Questions?   Investigations?   How much more will THEY take?

Contrasts Re-Awaken Similarities and  Possibilities

The days or weeks leading up to another blog entry always make me antsy to write yet I don’t have a clear focus or topic to write about. It was a similar feeling and process I experienced when preparing for the taping of my television program from 2004 to 2007. I would get lots of  clues and messages but it took time to see their relevance before the final piece was laid in place.

 This past week fits into this same category and now I enjoy the game of revelations that goes along with the emerging clues. Today is the day to put “pen to paper” so to speak. And as part of the writing I want to share the unfolding of clues that has taken place. Notice the diversity and commonalities that emerge, do you see the theme!

Clue 1:  Last Tuesday and Wednesday I began remembering the trip my former husband and I took to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1996. Several very powerful memories kept surfacing until one stood out more than the other. (I will share that story later in this posting.)

Clue 2: On Wednesday I also receive a new message from the Hathors by Tom Kenyon.  Here is a very short excerpt that now has a more profound meaning for so many.

We now wish to address the question of a new creation for those of you who may find yourself in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster, such as an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or destructive weather patterns.

If the destructive force is strong enough, the perceptual markers of your former reality may no longer exist. Your home or place of business may no longer be there. You may find yourself dealing with shortages of food and water, and there are any number of variables that can come together to create a state of shock and overwhelm.

We wish to be very clear in what we are about to say. Shock and overwhelm in the face of disasters are a natural mammalian response, and if you are to transcend and transform the moment you must reach upward to higher dimensions of your own existence, your own being, to those realms of consciousness that are beyond time and space….... (from Transition States of Consciousness)

Clue 3: Today, April 29, 2011 (4+11+4 = 19 = 1   new beginning) was the Big Day . The marriage of William and Kate takes the British Monarchy into brand new image territory – the king-to-be  marrying a commoner along with a significant softening of age old rigid traditions. Some commentators called it “the day the UK came out of mourning for Princess Diana, breathing life back into a nation!”  I was awake at 4:20am and prompted to get up. I didn’t! I waited until the push was stronger, finally getting up at 5:10am to turn on television where I am staying. I had missed the service so had to be happy with the ramblings, cut-ins of the service and location interviews. Then around 6:00am  CNN and others started cutting back across the Atlantic to reporters in the South showing the incredible tornado damage done in six southern states. At one point I even saw split screen images of “the wedding and the devastation” – such contrasts!

Clue 4: Last night I took my Medicine Bundle out of hiding. It was time for the bundle to share a night on the Mother Earth. So I placed all the sacred stones and items on the land and did prayers and blessings. This morning with music of the native flute in the background, I did a short meditation and pulled some medicine cards for additional clues. Skunk-Reputation; Blue Heron-Self-Reflection; Weasel-Stealth revealed themselves. (Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson). Reading the descriptions I took the messages/relevance shown for today.

Clue 5: Then later in the warming sun I checked the new seedlings in the garden, got my hands dirty in the soil and became aware of “dialogue in my head” moving the clues of information around to create varying story lines and revelations…..Contracts is situations, intimate connecting with strangers because of disaster, life and death, physical and material loss and spiritual rebirth.

So what is the message within all these clues! 

From Apathy to Empathy

First and foremost the human experience is bound to contrasts as a way of finding the middle ground. The goal if one could look at it this way, is to find the middle path,  the harmonious balance between the contrasts, at least for a little while. It is also in our human nature to get complacent or lost if we stay in that middle and balanced place for too long without some conscious awareness. People and situations are taken for granted, apathy can set in or creating too much action and/or anger to make change for the wrong reasons or in the wrong way.

Although there are many situations to mention I am just taking a few. At the beginning of the Iraq War, probably 97% of people had no idea it would still be going 10 years later, with no true end in sight! Unless one is in the thick of it, apathy and non-caring takes over. It is on someone else’s land. The earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding and massive destruction and loss of life in Indonesia (12/26/2004); Gulf Coast, USA (8/28/2005);  Haiti (1/12/2010); New Zealand (2/22/2011); Japan (3/11/2011)  now takes on new meaning, empathy and consciousness in this country.  Katrina hit hard and is now close to forgotten, unless you were very personally effected and still trying to get back together. The recent mid-west flooding continues as the spring snows melt. And then yesterday (4/28/2011) a massive number of tornadoes ripped through the South completely wiping out entire areas and the loss of life rises.  “It looks like a war zone!” It looks like a 3rd world country!” “Everything has completely changed!”

Now all of these people and departed souls are connected by and through the consciousness thread of Unity in Tragedy through the Uprising of Spiritual Awakening for the New World of Light Integrity Living.  Read it again if you didn’t get it the first time!  Mother Nature holds no favorites.  Even the poorest regions of the US are wealthier than many 3rd or 4th world countries.  In a split second contrasts are wiped out, taking each one to find the core of what is important, what is real, what is lasting or what is not! The physical rebuilding in all of these cases is huge. The spiritual rebuilding is even more crucial, even larger and will be the transforming force of all that comes behind. These are the lessons and these are the gifts shared.

Footing the Bill!

One of the first things that will come to the front after the initial shock has passed will be about “where is the money going to come from…..we have an economic crisis!”  Now let’s see if this country has and is ready for a new or renewed brand of politician who takes initiative for social and financial greed and change. Who will really use the insane amounts of $$$ they raise in the “name of campaigning”  for real, tangible projects instead of recycling it through select corporate boardrooms and the like.  It is time to Walk the Talk in a completely new way and no-one can immune  themselves from this movement ahead.   This type of action will get the votes they seek, guaranteed!

 Haiti – A Lesson from Mission Dollars

This trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1996 was amazing for me and I was not new to travel. I had lived in Europe for five years in my twenties, traveled the world as a Stewardess with British Airways and had my own wholesale travel company before the advent of the Internet. This trip awakened and tested my spiritual resolve, beliefs and depths. My husband and I were part of a group of eighteen clergy and lay people at the invitation of the International Department of the Mission Department of the Presbyterian Church. We were there to see how effective change was happening, if at all and how effective or not where mission monies being spent and on what types of projects. So many stories to tell….but this one was profound…..as it is about contrasts!

Black and White

Our bus pulled up in front of a new, white building with lovely landscaping. The white exterior was sparking in the sun and my first thought was “this is so out of place here!”  Our Host greeted us warmly and chatted as we toured the new clinic, wonderfully funded by several congregations in Pennsylvania. “Leave your mark in concrete” he suggested. My husband was thrilled at the opportunity. After a short stop we were scheduled to visit the pastor of a small church in another part of the town, in the bario, there would be a short service of welcome.

The church was an old, rundown, grey block square building with no doors or windows, just openings. Apart from enough seats for those present, a podium and a table, there wasn’t anything else. The pastor was pleasant and quiet. The music, besides voices, was provided by a man sitting straddling an old box speaker without the actual speaker. Just a hole with four pieces of metal nailed to it. He twanged the metal and there was music! A large Creole Haitian woman caught my eye. She was dressed in a bright dress with matching head wrap, she seemed to be someone they all respected.

The service ended, we all milled around and then started to leave. The woman came up to me as I stood alone to the side. “Viens, viens avec moi!” she asked several times. “Come with me” she was asking. Years ago I spoke really good French, although it was very out of practice, I understood her French/Creole words. I started to follow her. Tim asked where I was going and I response “I have no idea!” He joined me.

We started towards their village although this is a very questionable description to use by our standards!  Another group member, Doreen asked to join us and so we disappeared though the rabbit warren of  shacks of tin, wood, cardboard or whatever, seeing penned pigs, a chicken or two, dogs here and there. We kept going, winding further into this amazing place. Although the paths and floors of their homes were dirt, all was very orderly and clean, as though they respected what they had.

We finally came to the only block building, we entered at her request. There were two rooms. The first one had a table and two chairs, that’s all I noticed. The walls were adorned with pages from magazines, as though for decoration. We entered the second room, it was smaller, two small windows and a double bed. Don’t remember anything else. Lying on the bed was the blackest man I had ever seen! The woman’s skin was much lighter in comparison. He was delirious, he was mumbling continually. “Il est mon mari. Il est malade! ” she said He is my husband, he is sick!

That was an understatement! Just one look told you that! I was drawn to the bed and reached down to touch the man’s arm. He was on fire! His skin was swollen, spongy and boiling hot to the touch. I couldn’t image what it felt like!  “Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, je suis pret!  My God, my God, I am ready! He kept saying over and over.  His wife started talking to us and I caught on to most of what she was saying but my mind was with her husband.  I remembered the clinic and saw Red! Back to the man! I sat on the bed because it felt right. Held his hand and spoke to him because it felt right. I also felt he was so close to leaving, to dying, his body energy was shutting down.

Tim was standing next to me and Doreen next to him. The wife stood at the end of the bed. Tim was so uncomfortable yet wanting to do something. I turned as he looked at the woman and said “I know you will not understand the words I say but I would like to say a prayer for your husband!” She smiled and nodded, she did understand! In the time we held hands and Tim saying his prayer a bubble of light and power came over us. There were no other sounds, there was nothing else except the five of us. As was usual, Tim’s prayer was long winded but it was perfect, it came from the depths of his heart. He stopped talking and we just stayed there, in this bubble of light.

Suddenly noise broke the silence and voices were getting loud. Lionel, our tour leader entered and spoke to the woman. Haitian by birth, Lionel had been saved by Amnesty International many years earlier, when imprisoned in the dungeons of the Palace, the very palace we had had tea in days earlier. Fortunately, he was a living victim of Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier’s reign of terror. This trip was his first to Haiti since those days.

The woman told him her husband had been lying there for three days, he had been very sick and she was afraid he would die. Lionel asked why she had not taken him to the new clinic. She shook her head and explained. It was not for Haitians. They have no money. It is not welcoming to people like us!  I was furious as I had already figured that out. I insisted that Lionel arrange for the men to take him to the clinic. A young man working at the clinic kept saying “they know it is there, it is their fault if they don’t go!” Wrong!

Eventually the man was taken to the clinic and we went off the follow the scheduled events. I was still upset by what had happened and what I saw! No one else seemed to care!

At the end of the day we returned to the clinic to clean up before the long trip back to the hotel. On the way to the bathroom I caught sight of a man in a wheelchair with a nurse and another woman standing beside him. Slowing and straining to listen I heard “I don’t know why they brought him here, there is nothing wrong!” I looked again, it was the same man but he looked completely different. I tried not to show surprise.

Minutes later after looking for Tim I made my way back to the bus, through the garden. In front of me was the nurse pushing the wheelchair. They stopped in front of Doreen and the young man from earlier. As I walked by, I stopped, touched the man’s arm and asked “Vous etre bien maintenant!” Big eyes looked up at me and a smile shone through. He gave a slight node and I kept walking.

Two nights later, our last night and we all gathered for a debriefing and celebration. Going around the table everyone had a chance to share something of their journey. It was Doreen’s turn. She shared and then just as she finished she turned to me, smiled and told the group there was something further she needed to say.  Giving a brief outline to remind all of the time she was referencing.

Looking directly at me she began “I have something to tell you that you need to know. When we were standing on the path you spoke to the man and then walked off…..he turned to us and with a smile said “Elle a ete mon ange” She was my angel! “(excuse not having the correct accents)

I was moved to tears, humbled and knew it had all played out for many reasons. The good intentions of mission monies and how they are spent often miss the mark completely and are for the givers to feel good rather than to completely benefit the receivers. The clinic, so pristine and perfect was an “unwelcoming white elephant” in the small community. The staff couldn’t understand why people they knew were sick would not go there. After this instance I did hear “through the grapevine” there had been changes and staff were now working to make the clinic an open and welcoming place for everyone, not just those who fit the right profile.

The contrast came in the meeting of the black man and a white woman innocently becoming the light of awakening where color, possessions, culture and financial status  had absolutely no power or place.

As you reflect on our world, there is much for us to do!

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Breaking News

I am not a television watcher or newspaper reader mainly because there is very little truth reported by the Big Names. But because of a future project that is still waiting in the wings, I have started following The Huffington Post to see what is being reported nationally and internationally on virtually any topic. One of today’s headlines read:


U.S. Ahead Of China, Britain, France And Russia Combined.. U.S. Spending Up 81% In Past Decade, Increased In 2010 While Europe Decreased

Why is anyone surprised? Why is everyone not outraged?

Another big topic to surface again this week has been the Abortion issue with rhetoric and politics heated as usual.

The Past Revisited

As many readers already know, back in 2004 to 2006/7 I produced and hosted my own television program called “Have You Ever Wondered…Stepping Beyond Status Quo”. It started on Charlottesville, VA Public Access Television, later being seen in Fairfax Co, VA, Montgomery Co, MD, Santa Fe and Washington DC.   The theme was “Have you ever wondered if everything you have ever been told is true…..Usually it is not and here’s why!”  We covered dozens and dozens of very varied topics, pulling out pieces from many sources and then offering new perspectives and/or contradictions to what was/is standard acceptance.

At the time George W Bush was President and he gave us some really great seeds to works from. One in particular was from a statement he made at Kansas State when asked about the abortion issue. Quote ” I will fight for a Culture of Life and the Principle that every Life has Value.”

As I prepared for an upcoming program  I received strong guidance to write and present” the following perspective. Now more than ever, there is great significance  in relationship to the news headlines mentioned above and our lives today.

The Debate

“There is a fine line to cross in this debate. If you believe in  PROLIFE

Is it applicable in ALL areas of Life!

Is it still an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

If taking a stance for PROLIFE,  do you also support the DEATH PENALTY, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOC., putting guns in the hands of the children you saved through prolife THAT ARE NOW ADULTS!

Do you rejoice when the enemy is killed and do you want retaliation when your own are killed!

Is it WIN at any cost!

Is a PROLIFE stance only a display for political and social acceptance!

Does a PROLIFE stance only affect selected portions of the population!

Does Death justify Death and Revenge override Forgiveness!

Then at the end of the day and one holds a religious belief and faith in the ORIGINAL AND TRUE teachings of Christianity, Judism, Islam, Buddhism, the Tao, Native American teachings and any other discipline that is TRULY guided by the Essence of God (by all names), Divine Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Heart-Centered Action

Can any of the above mentioned be supported with conviction!

What does your Heart and Soul say?

For one cannot support both and not be a hypocrite!”

Yes we are all hypocrites in so many ways yet is it not time to call ourselves and most especially Governments out on such blatant behaviors in the quest for $$$$$ and power!


Essence of God looking back at you!

Today I took a Sunday drive through the wine country of Sonoma County. It was beautiful weather and my day was touched by several serendipitous meetings. This weekend the town of Sonoma hosted its Film Festival so the streets and businesses were filled with visitors from everywhere. The town established back in the 1830s or so reminded me of Santa Fe. A large central park surrounded, the Mission and former homes, hotels and businesses with Santa Fe charm.

One particular place that moved me to tears was the gallery of Lisa Kristine   www.LisaKristine.com. The current exhibition is called Slavery and her photographs are amazing, beautiful, heart-wrenching, horrifying, inhumane, powerful and so much more. I encourage you to visit her site, have your heart moved and see the Essence of God looking back at you!


The Whole World is in OUR hands……..What are WE going to DO with IT?

What else is there to say!

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