
Posts Tagged ‘television audience’

I had not planned on writing this particular posting today, in fact I have been working on the topic of Language, Leadership and Labyrinths in preparation for a series of seminars I will be presenting. Although upon reflection it actually has everything to do with Language and Leadership!

While surfing the following headline caught my eye and so a click followed suit.

Michele Bachmann Anti-Abortion Rally: Former GOP Presidential Candidate Speaks At Event

“Here on our watch we will stand, we will stand for life, we will never forget, we will never give up, and next year we will gather in a day of celebration when we have finally ended abortion in this all important election,” she said. “Join me this year. Choose life.” This is the quote from the Huffington Post piece.

Well, it brought back some similar feelings when George W. Bush made reference to “Every Life has Value” at a speech at Kansas State in 2006 or so.

In 2006-7 season, I decided to put the issue out to my television audience at the time, here is the transcript on The Meaning of ProLife. In light of our current world situation, deep thought is once again appropriate.

The Meaning of Prolife

“There is a very fine line that is crossed in this debate

Let me ask you these questions:

If you believe in Prolife is it applicable in all areas of life!

Is it still an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

In taking a stance for Prolife,  do you also believe in:

The Death Penalty,

The NRA,

Military Action,

Do you support placing guns in the hands of the children you saved through pro life that are now adults!

Do you rejoice when the enemy is killed and want retaliation when your own are killed!

Is it win at any cost!

Is a Prolife stance only a display for Political and Social acceptance!

Does a Prolife stance only affect select portions of the population!

Does death justify death and revenge override forgiveness!

And then if one holds a strong religious belief and faith in the Original and True teachings of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, The Tao and Native American teachings, wisdoms   and any other discipline that is Truly Guided by the Essence of God, Divine Love, Compassion and Heart Centered Action

Can any of the above mentioned be supported with conviction?

What does your heart and soul say!

It is for YOU to make the decision

For You cannot support Both and not be a hypocrite!


And I will included the transcript for another piece presented to my audience titled Return to Arlington.

In preparation:

The view through the lens of the eye is of row after row, street after street, hill after hill of crosses, well ordered and manicured to cover the tragedy beneath. At the top of the hill, a glance through a space in the trees reveals the coldness of THE PENTAGON. A sign nearby reads “SILENCE AND RESPECT. 

Return to Arlington

Who has determined that this ultimate life sacrifice is to the benefit of all – Where is the proof?

Where is the benevolence on the path leading to this resting place?

If each held in their heart that theirs was an honorable fight to end all fights, What can now be said!

Life to Death, the Illusion of Ultimate Deception!

Such honors were bestowed,

Only is it because of responsibility lost that they lie here now!

Those who come in droves to see, they wander as though numb to the message within the ethers of the land?

They walk as zombies following the paths, yet seeing not the lives before them.

So few have died in this land. So few have souls free of pain.

Perhaps they stayed in lands distant from this place, hearts wrenching with the knowing of deeds passed on and platitudes resounding through the air.

It is not of them, it never was nor ever will be,

Love and hate so closely tied, the bond of infinity seldom lies.

It is not of the land alone – it is of peoples and hearts undone.

Breathe in Life, breathe in death, one in the same, a mirror of the time.

It is not of you

You are not me

Yet as it flows to stream and sea

Hearts and Soul connect

So Mote It Be!

A mother cries in a distant land, the child she bore is here no more.

There is no home on this land here – this land is the same on a distant shore

A wail, a cry, an anguished heart –

Who says what is right

Who says what is not

The anger in the hearts of men, admonished power, relentless in the need for greed.

No right or wrong in the Angel’s Soul, for light shines forth in this illusion of the death

A life to claim and a life to live,

For those who rest a while, then move beyond the confines of this mortal place.

“Silence and Respect”.    It is time for silence no more –

How many more mother and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters have to return here before the “ the Inner Soul of this Nation” yells ENOUGH!

(In May 2007 I took DVD copies of these two video pieces to Capital Hill and delivered them to the office’s of numerous Senators. Did they ever look at them – I doubt it!)


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