
Posts Tagged ‘edgar cayce’

You may have all noticed how fast things are happening and showing up around you in the past week or so. This last week has been exceptional!

There is not really even time to think and process the information set forth, it is to trust the inner guidance and act accordingly, even and especially when it doesn’t make sense or is challenging the strength of ALL your safety nets.

Information downloads having been coming to me fast and furiously, with a strong general title of 5th Dimension Mysticism. In my own private writings over the past months I have been learning more of what this means. Recent travels reinforced the fact that we, as humanity, have been slowly in preparation process for this exact change over the past 10 – 15 years. We were taking tiny quiet steps to get use to the feel and now it and we are there/here.

For those who have kept journals during these past years, you may find it interesting to reread very early entries, moving forward in time to see if you can spot an unfolding theme. In this blog and in the days to come I will be sharing more of my stories preparing and awakening myself and those involved (if they chose) to the new dimensional wonders becoming the norm!

In your wanderings around various and multiple websites such as Spirit Library <updates@spiritlibrary.com> ,  and Steve Rother http://www.lightworker.com The New Body Electrics: The Physical Electrical Evolution

(of course there are plenty, plenty of others) there are postings and writings giving so many personal perspectives and messages from sources here and above and below on unfolding earth experiences. In all your discovering, take the information right for you in the moment, use it, grow with it and be open to what’s next.

The New Body Electrics piece is a confirmation of several experiences I have had in being “recalibrated to the new frequencies.” I have written about them in past blog entries so for those who have missed them and are intereste d to read more, click on the blog sidebar Pages: Health and Wellness/Recalibration

Over the n ext days and weeks of blog postings I will share many quite different stories, some from nearly ten years ago. At the time the experiences were profound and taught me a great deal. Now, in hindsight when reviewing and remembering, I am seeing patterns, steps and the early threads woven as foundations of seeing through the veils, now thin as gossamer wings. I will post these new stories under PAGES on the main page. In this posting there will be three pieces on Baby, Memories and Family. They are quite different from each other yet very associated. Remembering these was much of why I needed to clear some of my family issues before my grandson is born.

Breaking News

Announcing d ates for three retreat weekends to be held in Sonora, CA. All are coinciding with yearly solstices and the summer equinox and full moons.

The weekends will be co-fac ilitated by Stephanie Escobar and myself plus other special guests.

1st Retreat      March 18-21, 2011

2nd Retreat     June 17-19, 2011

3rd Retreat      September 23 -25, 2011

The Retreat title is Spirit Journeys “Awakening and Igniting Ecstasy In-Formation…Living 5th Dimension Mysticism”. The format will be very interactive filled with exercises, dialogue, sharing, tools to use and ceremony for personal awareness, growth, empowerment and joy.

We will also be offering optional Mystic side trips to Yosemite and/or Mt Shasta after the retreat weekends.

To wet your whistle a little: the location is a beautiful 7 acre mountaintop, amazing views, quiet walks, star filled night skies, drumming, art, clay, yoga, meditati on, c hanting, music, meals, beverages, snacks, pool, hot tub, bonfires, camping(out or indoor), under the stars (weather dependent) or local hotels.

More details suc h as fees, schedules, limits, reservations, etc will be posted in a few days.

The photos today are from last year’s retreat on the mountaintop.

What is 5th Dimension Mysticism?

It may sound like a new catch phrase and concept yet in research over the past months I have come across writings from Rudolph Steiner in the 20s, Edgar Cayce, numerous Ascended Masters and an interview with Ruth Dahlen: Mysticism and/or Reality….”In March 1968 Sweden’s Radio-TV introduced Mrs. Ruth Dahlen to the Scandinavian public as the “mystic of Vallingby.”  ….continued. (This was a really good piece!)

My brief simple description goes something like this:

The past thousands of years have been in the earth bound 3rd dimension…what you see is what you get; cavemen, lords and surfs, patriarchal control and power, winner through conflict solves all problems and has authority. Through these times, (refer to the steps of a nine layer of a Mayan temple) eras have been shrinking from millions of years to the last level, a 20 day cycle. Interspersed throughout time there have been glimmers of artistic, literary and cultural renaissance, invention and industrialization, fragile peace only to be broken by massive oppression. Humanity lived in the physical body and in physical world! This translates to the 1st (root), 2nd (sacrel) and 3rd (solar plexus) chakras driving life forward.

Then in the 60s, 70s and 80s we searched for something higher, clearer, and purer. The advent of Gurus for the everyday person was real. The more Love and Flower Power pushed, the more Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia became places and examples of hate, abuse, intolerance and death. During these times many were trying to find and walk in the 4th dimension, the place higher than physical earth. Translating to the 5th (throat), 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown) chakras. (I’ll get to the heart in a minute)

Then in 1987, the Harmonic Convergence and a shift happened (research Mayan Calendar, Jose Aguelles). A planetary, energetic, vibration, consciousness shift started the ball not to be stopped!  You and I have been plodding along through this for all these years and most of the time with no clarity or understanding, just a deep driving faith. Many a time it felt like the threat of personal insanity, seeking so disparately for what no one could see or believed was possible. Church, governments, institutions, science and business slammed doors and opened mental wards and prisons for troublemakers who challenged the safe boxed life.  How many times did you say or hear others saying “oh I don’t want to live in the world, I want to be spiritual, enlightened, pure, a pillar of light, a lightworker, etc.” This real world is a hard place to live in!

The 90s, into Year 2000 to now, the surge ahead kept growing. Science and quantum physics found that not seeing something does not mean it’s not there! Medicine found and admitted healing can come through hands, mind and heart; sound can heal and destroy. All over the world, governments, military, science and business were and are finding their hidden agendas, deceptions, lies and greed are being revealed through and by the transparency of searching  higher consciousness by the ever increasing number of individuals seeking exactly that within themselves, proving one person can make a difference.

During the past ten years massive amounts of diverse information from Ascended Masters, gurus, teachers, ancient cultures and spirit realms have been presented for us to process and discern what is truth, truths that seem to keep changing. In the past five years I have seen a coalescing, melding, molding, simplicity and authenticity different from the past which appears to be anchoring us to a new place – the 5th Dimension.

And this anchoring happens at the heart, the human heart and the sacred chamber behind the heart. Here is an image of what I see happening: The earth energy rod of the three lower physical chakras has grown a grounding plug at the top of the solar plexus. The higher three spiritual chakras have done the same from the heavens down, passing through the throat and the thymus to the top of the heart.

Living in the 5th Dimension is about plugging the lower and upper chakras together at the Sacred Heart, thus Igniting and Awakening the Ecstasy our True Heart and Soul have been seeking for eons of time. This is still all new, we are learning and feeling our way through the unfamiliar. It is a real merging of the past, reaching out to the future unknown and acting to create the flowing now and on and on.

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