
Posts Tagged ‘Peter Clark’

Be inspired and surprised!

Join pioneer, visionary and adventurer, 96 year old Peter Clark of Magnetic Sound Industries as he walks you through history and memories of the unfolding of 70 years of electronics in Australia and how it impacts all technology today.

A fascinating first-hand account of intrigues of code breaking in World War II,  on the front line of the Battle of Britain,  Winston Churchill’s decision changes his life, the importance of wire recorders and tape recorders in evolving today’s technology, taking chances in business and being the inspiration for a young boy, Dick Smith, who later became a electronics pioneer, businessman, adventurer and millionaire.

Inspired by Dick Smith

State of Electronics   Produced by Karl von Moller  www.karlvonmoller.com  

Proudly, my father – my inspiration!


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screen-shot-2018-02-04-at-11-12-49-pm-e1517816528469.pngWho and what inspires you?  Have you benefited from a mentor to guide you along the challenging path of life, business and possibly relationships? Has someone exampled the principles of ethics and spiritual values, either to the positive or negative? What is the legacy you could be known for? Can you take the spiritual teachings of being an inspiring light of unconditional love and acceptance, or be a walking example of awareness in higher conscious principles through actions.? Or just be an everyday nice person living life with ups and downs?

This is my father, Peter Clark. He was a mentor and inspiration for Dick Smith, a very successful Australian millionaire and businessman. He has been an inspiration as well as a challenger for me throughout life. For most of these years, he believed my “spiritual and creative paths” were a waste of time, no-one is interested in that stuff, you can’t make any money doing that type of work or living, who will pay attention! Ironically, over the past three years and specifically the past couple of months, we have spent a huge amount of time together. Helping him with his business and website, talking of his amazing past, especially during WWII and so many things he learned along the way. More than once twice he mentioned “I had a knowing of what to do!”, “I was incredibly protected by someone or something”, and realizing in later years that integrity, fairness and honesty are really important to business and his health in general. His version of spiritual values, and he understands and knows me from these perspectives now.

For the generation of young adults aged up to 35-40 years old, a world without the Internet and mobile phones is unheard of. The real value of the cutting edge technology that changed the world didn’t come to public access until around 1988 – 1992. In 1989, my first computer experience was to learn programing with IBM- Lotus 123! For those who remember back then, learning that “computer language” was a huge feat unto itself!

Computers were big, if not huge, slow as a snail most of the time and limited in scope of information available. Before that the world did function, did communicate and work as needs dictated worldwide, just differently to today.

Our world overall is in the midst of another revolutionary upgrade. The title and term “Spiritual CEO” is being seen, heard and incorporated in many fields of business and is the guiding ethos for one of the world’s most successful companies and its visionary founder – Jack Ma of Alibaba. For nearly thirty years, all the work I have done and shared with people, the focus has been to grow the understanding that the business/corporate and governmental worlds must incorporate spiritual or universal ethics of behavior  along side the often single-focused drive for money, win at the expense of competitors and often, to use any tactic you can get away with to get richer and richer. There are plenty of examples of this in today’s world!

Some key points from Jack Ma’s interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos 2018 had to do with:

The need to build a positive Environmental Mindset; a Spiritual Mindset; Non-Fragmented Mindset.

Plus and most importantly, if human beings are to remain unique and valid within the massive AI technology world and life, they (each person) should focus on the highest human abilities (that cannot be replicated by a machine, even if it is said to be possible) – VALUES – BELIEVING – INDEPENDENT THINKING – TEAM WORK – CARE FOR OTHERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT.

Machines cannot initiate these qualities.

Beginning in March, I will be offering consultations and workshops on visioning and building Cooperative Living and Leadership models for businesses and organizations. Watch for newsletter. Contact  http://opheliathemysticmuse.com for more details and private visioning consultations.



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