
Posts Tagged ‘Earth Spirit Journeys’

Pen to paper as they say…..

Firstly I will be doing an interview with Bob Sharpe on BiteMeRadio on Friday 24th at 5.00pm (PST) – Here is the link to listen  live! Topic is “Language, Leadership and Labyrinths”.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/biteradiome/2012/02/25/language-leadership-labyrinths-opheliamystical-cruise

It has been a long while since writing and much has happened in my life and many miles have been traveled to create new movement and activations. Nearly 2000 miles this time. Of course not everyone has to take such dramatic journeys as I do to get the movement going but please know we all do have to move out of stagnation to begin a new creation flow.

I go between being a Hermit on the mountain top, who after time, goes into the safety of aloneness and distance and then wonders why nothing is happening.

The void or aloneness is good for a while, to gather energy, thoughts, ideas and presence. For formulation and creation of ideas into material form or possibilities….yet if one rests there too long without the wisdom of movement, the revelations gained can dissolve as dust only to be carried away by the winds.

Travel is what pushes such movement for me when I have not quite paid attention or perhaps more correctly, wish to avoid “the doing.” Travel, the road unfolding ahead with a direction in mind yet no other knowing present. “Where to stay, which route, who to meet, what to see” are all filled with ?? until immediate arrival and then surprises…..which can be taken any way one wants!

My first “destination” was to be Santa Barbara, CA on the West Coast touching the Pacific Ocean. Since first arriving in California I had been told I should visit here, it might be a place to live.

Well as lovely as it is, the Spanish influenced architecture, the beaches, beautiful homes and rolling hills….it is not for me. I didn’t resonate with the energy/feeling that comes from the land and environment.

The Old Santa Barbara Mission was founded in 1786 and now offers a glimpse of the past in the Cathedral, buildings, museum, gardens and shop. Most of the street names in the city are of Spanish origin. There is very little left of the native Chumash Tribes who resided here long before the Spanish arrival.

I drove north on the famous Highway 1/101 passing small and somewhat touristy beach towns, nice yet quiet because of the winter temps and rain that day. Further on the landscape widened to pastures, hills, vineyards and orchards….this was good.

About an hour north of SB is San Luis Obisbo, smaller and a more inviting area for me. Just north SLO and branching off Hwy 101 is Morro Bay…and this was lovely.

I actually arrived way after dark on my first night out, semi lost to be honest. I found the Morro Bay State Park and decided to camp. All was quiet, dark and it was quite cold. Found a spot and started to unload and put up my tent. Out of the darkness came a young woman with a small child offering to help. How lovely it was getting to know them in the dark and mess of the tent. When all was done they went back to their tent with laughter filling the darkness.

Next morning such a surprise awaited…..this was a lovely location in so many ways. Trails, beach, restaurant, marina, town, inlet, museum and the Huge Rock! Leah, Chad and Marley came to visit and shared their knowledge and tips. This young family were a delight!

I spent the day exploring, both by car and on foot. I decided to stay here for another night instead of another great move. Late in the afternoon the rain came and continued through the night….thankfully all stayed relatively dry and once the clouds cleared around noon it was very pleasant.

In the early evening, over a glass of wine beside the fire I learned more of these lovely people. Leah, Master’s Degree in Education, Teacher, both public schools and private home schooling. Chad had been in many different areas of employment yet now he was “stay at home Dad”, doing and being with 3 year old Marley.

Since the beginning of the school year (September) Leah had been teaching privately. In the past month they, like so many others, experienced financial and housing difficulties and while they were getting new housing in order, this Park and their tent were home. Leah shared that on the earlier Monday the child’s Mother some how heard that her family was living in a tent and terminated the teaching relationship. Her explanation was “she couldn’t have someone living in a tent teaching her child!”

I was so impressed by how Leah and Chat looked at the situation and that this was more of a door closing for another to open. (In fact the day I left new housing possibilities were presented to them.)  They had belongings in storage, with just the basics with them. Her realization at just how much “stuff” is not needed, that she was now planning to sell or give away filled us with laughter.

She looked at my car and heard my short version story and then said “the reason you ended up here was to help us realize and show all is well and we are looked after.” Such a precious gift to be given!

This day also happened to be the time of Full Moon. Before leaving on the third morning I brought out the portable labyrinth and invited them to walk it. All accepted. After explaining the hows and whys, with the drum in hand Chad walked the paths in and then out. Part of the magic is revealed when I “dowse” the walker’s energy field going in before and upon completion.

To see the amazement in their eyes when I keep walking further and further away, holding the dowsing rod and their energy field. Ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, hundred feet and more, much more in some cases, only stopping when the points of the rods open or disconnect from the field.

“This is your potential, your field of energetic influence when you are grounded and in full personal power. The feeling you have now is to be remembered when doubt and fear present themselves to you!” Chad looked completely different!

Leah followed with her own experience and of course little Marley loved to run round and round on the bright colored paths.

How blessed I was to be able to share with such special people. This is why “Spirit” wants me off the mountain, cave or abyss….to share when the time is right!

Leah mentioned a visit to the Northern Elephant Seals  Rookery is a must and pointed me in the right direction. Further north on Hwy 1, north of Hwy 46 from Paso Robles, 3 miles north of San Simeon, the location of .WR Hearst’s Castle.

What an amazing place! One small inlet beach on this Pacific Coast was the home for hundreds of huge seals from December to March every year for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Plenty of other little beaches but no seals! They come here to give birth to the new generation and mate for the next one. The site was not without sadness…..I noticed 10 or so of the young pups had died and the sea gulls were feasting. Some of the mothers moved in to protect the bodies at least for a while.

Well signed, plenty of parking and a well laid out boardwalk just 15-20 feet above the beach. The air was filled with bird’s sounds and seal moans, grunts, conversations amongst themselves that ranged from gentle loving to angry orders by males “wanting their way!” The females sound responses bordered on “leave me alone, I have a headache, you are squashing me!”  Species are not so different after all!

The pictures do not do justice of course. Visit this website for more information.

I’ll close off for now……enjoy the ride!

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Recently I watched a presentation by Teacher, John Hunter from TED2011 conference. Mr. Hunter is a courageous, gentle, engaging man. His desires come from deep personal experience of wanting a better world of Peace in the purest truth of the word. He was talking about the World Peace Game he created for his students.

I completely agree with the form of education of interaction, engagement, hands-on real world learning of all subjects in real world applications. Similarly visioned education was proposed by Rudolph Steiner back in the early 1900s with the subsequent models of Waldorf, Montessori and many Charter Schools emerging.

What caught my attention and discomfort was the language and framework used in the World Peace Game. So ingrained in human culture and purposefully done so, is the militaristic approach to solving problems. From Mr. Hunter’s presentation, in the

World Peace Game all problems and solutions are outlined and approached as if participants were an army battalion under with the orders and structural plan of hierarchical domination.

Even in innocent dialogue words of fight, war on, battle against and so on  can play into this mindset. The students take this all seriously, even the fun within searching for answers and solutions. At their young ages with sponge-like minds they do not yet understand the power of the language and military scenarios will imprint into their innocent, compassion and love filled psyche.

All too obvious are these versions of solutions, just look at the news media. Pain and suffering perpetuated by both winners and losers  are horrifying. The money amassed, spent and amassed again by the Military Industrial Complex is beyond my capacity to adequately express its profound impact on humanity.

And such is the seed of mindset buried in the population’s psyche that many with the most pure intentions and desires for change and to improve the dynamics within systems such as education and health are thwarted at each turn.

The grand vision and outcome of the World Peace Game is to teach, example living and leadership and to allow young minds to interact, solve problems, decide on consequences and learn the difference between power and victim, privilege and poverty, negations and charity.

All through the windows of the military structure. Young minds and hearts with a huge desire to change the world continue to be imprinted with the out dated, corrupted and ineffective patriarchal programming of Us, Them, Friend, Foe, Have, Have nots, who owns the power is the power!

The New Paradigm

Using the interactive game model of education and leadership in the highest degree can develop understanding, leadership, mutual problem solving, deriving mutual benefits based on relative needs, dignity and empowerment of individuals and groups (in whatever form). This can be achieved without the use of toy tanks, soldiers, territory battle fields, military language with one side always being perceived as aggressor, trouble maker, charity case, less than because of skin color, clothes, beliefs and culture.

World Peace is and will not be achieved by war, real or illusionary.

Are there people and solutions working and living towards this end now? YES! Amazing people, Mr Hunter included. Men and women, young and old – yet many more are needed. Not the political figures whose $$$$ signs are supposed to dictate authority and integrity!

It is those like you and I – quietly or not so quietly LIVING for the Vision of Peace to be achieved. And that Vision of Peace can only be achieved by Living and Striving and Finding that Peace within ourselves FIRST. Games, tools, books, beginning education – all education on this one foundation stone sets the foundation for the rest of the building, no matter the direction, no matter the shape.

War and Peace are both within the Human Life Experience.

To translate the English words War and Peace from a numerological perspective: Ancient Pythagorean  Numerology (there are always 2 sides – negative/positive solutions. The choice is which one each applies!)

War = 5 + 1 + 9 – (negative outcome)  

Restricting freedom and change (5) of the individuals (1) allows for control of the whole (9)

Peace = 7 + 5 + 1 + 3 +5 (positive outcome)

Trust (7) releases restrictions (5) of Self/Individuals (1) to Communicate/Express (3) Freedom and Change (5)

Games, tools, education and leadership that encourages each individual more knowledge of themselves (on their terms), addresses the wants and needs of each/all sides and then can work together to cooperatively create and fulfill the greater vision of the group/country and also have the wants and needs of each individual gifted without the militaristic structure will be the foundation of the New Paradigm of Peace for all people.

This is no piper dream…..it works now!

Change the Perspective, Change the outcome!

Until next time……….

 also visit http://earthspiritjourneys.blogspot.com/ for other topics


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Gosh! It has been quite a while since placing words to paper but I am here now, at least with a short posting today.

Creative Juices Flowing

Yesterday I made it over the hump with the creative project I have been immersed in for the past three weeks plus. Friday and Saturday I hit the proverbial brick wall, making the task at hand way more complicated than necessary…..walks, self-talk, stepping back to gain objectivity and a good dose of ego surrendering finally cleared the way to the obvious solution and voila…..ease in creation once again!

Why, when we know better, do we allow the analytical brain to take charge (even for a short time) and throw everything off course! In this case I believe it was to take me to the place of “the beginner’s mind”……the place of innocent exploration of new and uncharted ways of seeing and doing…..the final message that pounded through my intuitive  mind was “simple, simple, simple…..keep it simple!  And this advise we forget all too often in the everyday hustle and bustle of life!

Another reason for engaging a beginner’s mind. When creating, teaching and most especially when writing instructions, it is vital to go back to the beginner’s mind and put oneself in the shoes of those who will be reading and using the instructions. All too often when lessons and instructions are written without due diligence vital “obvious steps” are missed or assumed the reader will know…..and we have all been there….the pieces don’t fit, a step is missed and what is suppose to be easy is anything but! Part of being an expert is to also remember how it feels to be a beginner!

I will be keeping you in suspense a few days longer as to what “the project” is about…..only I will say that I plan the official launch on 12-12-12..the final gateway.

Can you feel the intensity building?

This weekend marked the midpoint between the galactic gateway initiation on 11-11-11 and the final galactic gateway initiation on 12-12-12 when the last crystal grid activation will take place, namely the Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy in Bimini and the Sacred Crystal of Thoth in Bolivia.

(a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn)

These are defined, located and placed with activation dates as follows:


(1) Blue Crystal of Knowledge 8-8-8

(2) Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9

(3) Platinum Crystal of Communication 11-11-11 ( Bio-Plasmic Interface)

Bimini Bank:

(1) The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12


(1) Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9 ( Diamante Bahia)

(2) Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10 ( Sao Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais)

Mount Shasta:

(1) The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface 9-9-9

Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:

(1) Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9

(2) Sacred Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12

With much for you to explore in the articles by Tyberonn and others you will find on Spirit Library I will sign off for now.

During these next two weeks pay attention to what is happening, leaving, coming into and grabbing your attention in your everyday life and relationships. Use as much intuition as you can to make decisions and actions to take….be gentle on yourself and others and get rest as much as possible. With the tremendous increase in magnetic/electrical/vibrational frequencies swirling around our bodies can get overloaded more easily.

For the past two weeksI have been having regular detox baths (4 days apart) using epson salts, baking soda and sea salt ( a cup of the first two, half a cup of salt). Inexpensive and effective and feels wonderful afterwards. I use coconut oil on the skin afterwards. Very important…..drink a lot more good water everyday to hydrate yourself….try to stay away from chlorinated city water.

Until we connect again…..Many Blessings to All!

Curious about what 2012 has in store for you….now is time to think about getting a Numerology Chart for mapping out the “frequency influence” for each week of each month of the year. You will be amazed how accurate the charts can be! Contact me through my website contact page for details. http://www.earthspiritjourneys.com

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This morning, wrapped in a warm blanket to protect from the cool mountain air I sat in meditation. The warm southern sun feeling so good after several days of clouds, cold, rain and blahs!

As the cocoon warmed, the mind stilled and partially emptied of thoughts and dialogue…..peaceful. This week is huge as most of you know. The big build up to 11-11-11 and another full moon heralding yet more dynamic shifts in the energetic and vibrational life forces on Earth and within Humanity.

Awaken! Awaken! It is the time!

The mind chatter started and this phrase kept repeating itself within me…a meditation in itself! As its continued force moved to cells and the blueprint matrix of all fields within and around me became aware….Awaken! Awaken! It is the Time!

I/We have been waiting for the tangible signs of this most intangible phenomenon….they are here yet they are not! Then my mind took me to remember some of the many clues from days gone by of perhaps Who and What I have incarnated for in this Lifetime.

As I share these very few pieces of awakening for me, I encourage you to also follow the awakening threads of your journey thus far….what is revealed to you?

The mind stilled and then revealed……

The very earliest memory I have is of 3 years old, before my brother was born. Living on the waterfront in Palm Beach, north of Sydney (back then it was a days trek to get there from the city.) Standing near a large tree (mother took a photo of me and the tree that day). A group of nuns in black habits come to the beach to swim. They all started taking off the layers of clothing and it was when the veils started coming off revealing bald heads that I became frightened and hid behind the tree. Laughingly, they spoke and tried to coax me out, I stayed out of deep curiosity more than anything. Of course we all know nuns don’t strip off their clothes and swim…..I know this was a visit from other worlds!

In the warmth of the morning sun I went back into quiet time within the mind……another memory came back.

This was when I was 6-7 years old. My father, along with another engineer, started building tape recorders in a small garage in Cremorne, a suburb of Sydney. Not long after that he opened “Magnetic Sound Industries” on George St, Sydney. For anyone living in Sydney between the mid 50s to early 80s, my father Peter Clark, was known as the Sound Magician and he really opened up the tape recorder and Hi Fi industry in Australia. He could hear the tiniest change in sound, he knew how create combinations of equipment (speakers, amps, tape decks, etc) to get as perfect a sound as possible back then. He taught me to hear and listen and feel sound frequencies.

That image moved away and the sun warmed my face and body…stillness again.

Around 13-14 years old the world expanded again. Sitting at the window in my bedroom, holding the treasured “transistor radio” with the antenna extended out of the window searching the skies for radio stations from other parts of Australia and the World. Most every night I would do the same ritual. Using the dial to tune into the radio frequencies able to penetrate the atmosphere and ignite the crystals within the radio…..I could hear the world coming to me…sometimes in English…mostly in other languages yet it didn’t matter, I was just enthralled. Living on the other side of the world in the stillness of my night and connecting to other worlds!

Stillness and warmth again…..

Hands of Healing appeared and a vision of the Hathors. Ancient, light-filled, beyond Earth…..hands held up and light energy eliminating forth, dancing along the vibrational waves all around. This was Me remembering how and why the knowledge of Light Healing Power  was/is activated through me in this lifetime all the way to today. Through experience I have witnessed incredible events and healing and know there is so much more to be received as We Awaken! This vision continued moving through my ages of 8 years old until today…..the young dancer whose body moved and flowed with the technical training of a classical ballet dancer…..and always it was through my hands came the greatest expression…..energy flowing and moving through and out, touching others. These days I speak a lot with my hands. It is so special to watch another’s eyes catch sight of light, energy and colors flowing as I speak…..making the intangible, tangible, so to speak!

Quiet again, mind is still and sun is continuing to warm…….

A diamond patterned tapestry is on the wall before me. I am sitting at a table surrounded by others at a dinner party. The woman opposite me makes mention of a recent trip to Egypt. Behind her, a diamond moves and opens….and then becomes dimensionally deeper into the tapestry and wall. I am traveling into the diamond light, further and further into this tunnel…..not seeing yet knowing there are rooms or places behind the light….moving deeper in yet still hearing voices on the outside of the vision. Light expanding into a room/space of vibrant light vibrating with beauty. I had reached the inner space within the diamond within the Great Pyramid but it is not the one known as Giza….it is one within one, within one, yet to be found!

Under the light are scenes of lower light, people playing with genes and machines, Dr Who comes to mind….scenes of desolation and pain are dissolved as I hold and witness…..Awaken! Awaken! When the time is right Diamond Light will Activate!

As Light begins to change I move backwards out of the tunnel, back through the diamond pattern and rest quietly in the chair again….all eyes turned toward me puzzled and curious. The explanation I gave then could only scratch the surface and was suffice for then.

Awaken! Awaken! It is Time!

Part Three of the message from Metatron by Tyberonn awakened all of this again. As yet another activation of the massive communicating crystals of the planet will occur on 11-11-11, with a prime focus on the Arkansas Mountains another memory came forth….

Of the time in October, 2000 when I went of Vision Quest in those very same mountains, activated by the crystal power deep within the core.

I am in gratitude of all those in my life journey thus far who have been friends, lovers, teachers, creators and co-creators. Many know who you are, many others do not know how you have touched my life and been part of my AWAKENING. We often have no idea how we affect and effect others….I hope I have touched some lives in the same way and been a Seed of Awakening for them.

We are awakening to the Core, as the core of an apple holds seeds….so too as we peel and reveal….Our Core holds the Seeds of Purpose and Life to unfold……

Remember! Remember!

If you would like assist in unraveling and understanding your life threads, please contact me for Life Alchemy Consultation (ophelia28@earthlink.net)

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Feet to the Corporate Fire

Nearly three weeks ago I decided to upgrade my Sprint phone, from the slow 2008 basic model to a 2011 basic model. I don’t need all the bells and whistles and although I was really resistant to signing a contract (last one expired in 2009) I had been with Sprint for the past 12 years + and decided to stay.

The nightmare began when this “el cheapo” was delivered to the wrong address (no logical reason why!) and an employee there decided she needed the phone more than I did and stole it, then she disappeared! Since then I have spent hours and hours, with an untold number of reps and supervisors trying to resolve it after the second phone didn’t arrive. With each day of conversation another issue comes to the surface….in all it has come down to corporate integrity in honoring what “was not recorded from conversations and vague suggestions. After 4 hours on the phone from numerous disconnects and no return calls, a series of supervisors meaning well but stuck in the red tape and my continued request for correct integrity in all business transactions….today finally ended with a new phone on its way and a total of $100 in credits to acquiesce the inconveniences. I am and will continue to hold the vision of the phone arriving and credits  being applied to my account!

Medical Vedic Astrology  with Guest Vedic Astrologer  Laura Barat

Recently I went through a couple of weeks of crazy itching and spider bites on my skin. At my wits end, I contacted my friend Laura Barat who specializes in Vedic Astrology. In a reading I had in March she asked if I had any skin issues, to which I responded No! This month they showed up!

Her response to the problem was mentioning that Mercury was afflicted in my chart this year, it is associated with skin problems and the sense of smell. As Mercury is also associate with communications I interrupted this situation to be telling me: (1) I needed to hydrate the body by drinking more water; (2) there was an imbalance in the harmonics of the location (web) I was living in; (3) it was pushing me out to leave, detox internally and externally, relax and tap into the creative juices once again.

As I thought other readers may be interested in learning more on this topic I asked Laura to give a short explanation on the Planets and the Elements in relation to Vedic Medical Astrology. Here are links to know more about Laura  and research the topics on her site.

Vedic Astrology is based on the focus of the Moon’s placement at birth as opposed to Western Astrology that focuses on the Sun’s placement at birth. What I have found so very interesting when comparing readings of both versions over the years is that even though the beginning reference points are different, there are always overlaying confirmations of issues, traits, karma, personality, etc., only the interruption is unique to the practitioner.  As far as I am concerned, the more we can discover about ourselves, from many perspectives, ancient and modern, we are that much ahead of claiming and understanding one life more clearly.

Here is Laura’s description. (Note: for those new to Vedic/Sanskrit/Indian language some of the words in the beginning paragraphs will be confusing. If so, scroll down to the main three topics The Five Organs of Sense; The Five Organs of Action; The Five Objects of the Sense. When you feel more comfortable with the Vedic concepts, read more on  the introductions.

Planets and The Elements

There are five elements or ‘Pancha Tattvas’ that are the causal form of Purusha and make up creation.  ‘Pancha’ means five and ‘Tattvas’ mean ‘true essences’.  These elements are Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air ruled by the planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, respectively, according to this sutra from Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra:

“Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air, in that order, o’Twice Born, from Mars and the other Grahas in their order are the Tattvas.”   -BPHS:  Nature and Form of the Grahas, 20

The Vedas contain instructions on how to placate and worship the elements.  The elements are actually the causal manifestation of Purusha that creates all that is.  The Elements came first and then the planets were born from the Elements.

Each of the Five Tattvas or Elements has a Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic quality.  The Sattvic qualities of the Elements manifests through the five senses.  Our senses are called ‘Organs of Knowledge’ in the Srimad Bhagavatam.  These organs of knowledge are necessary for our growth and evolution.  It is only through abuse by human beings that the senses have been given a bad name.  Since the senses are Sattvic, they have an elevating quality that will bring us closer to the Source if used properly.

The Five Organs of Sense

The Sattvic attributes of the Five Elements are the Organs of Sense.  They are as follows:

Ether is ruled by Jupiter and causes the Sense of Hearing. Through Hearing we acquire knowledge from Sound.  For a person to be able to hear, Ether must be present.  Conversely, for someone to have poor hearing, Jupiter must be afflicted in the horoscope.

Air is ruled by Saturn and causes the Sense of Touch:  Through Touch we acquire knowledge from Tangibility. For a person to be able to feel touch and differentiate the object of touch, Air must be present. Conversely, for a person to not be able to feel or lack acquiring knowledge through touch, Saturn must be afflicted in the horoscope.

Fire is ruled by Mars and causes the Sense of Sight.  Through Sight we acquire knowledge from Light and Colors.  For a person to be able to see, Fire must be present.  Conversely, Mars must be afflicted in a horoscope if the person has poor eyesight.

Water is ruled by Venus and causes the Sense of Taste:  Through Taste we acquire knowledge from Flavors.  For a person to be able to taste, Water must be present.  Conversely, Venus must be afflicted in the horoscope if a person has a poor sense of taste.

Earth is ruled by Mercury and causes the Sense of Smell.  Through Smell we acquire knowledge of Odors.  For a person to be able to smell, the Element of Earth must be present.  Conversely, a person has a poor sense of smell if Mercury is afflicted in the horoscope.

Because the organs of sense are Sattvic, they are elevating in nature and pure when the organs of sense are working properly.  They are Sattvic because one acquires knowledge through their organs of sense.

The Five Organs of Action

The Rajasic attributes of the Five Elements are the Organs of Action. They are as follows:

Fire is ruled by Mars and causes the Action of Motion.  Feet hold the primary power of motion, but all motion of the body is ruled by Mars.  Most motion is guided by Sight which is also ruled by Mars.  All motion must have fire, or in this case the electrical impulses carried by the nerves, which is ruled by Mars.  For a person to have afflicted motion Mars must be afflicted in a horoscope.  Notice how people with paralysis or partial paralysis cannot move, the electrical impulses are not carried along the nerves or the spinal cord.

Earth is ruled by Mercury and causes the Action of Excretion.  The anus holds the primary power of excretion but all excretory actions are ruled by Mercury and the Earth Element.  Sweating is also considered to be excretory as well as acne.

Ether is ruled by Jupiter which causes the Action of making Sound.  The power of Sound lies in the vocal chords.  If a person cannot use their vocal chords to make sound, then Jupiter must be afflicted in the horoscope.

Water is ruled by Venus which causes the action of Generation.  The power of generation lies within the sexual organs, but it also lies within all tissues that can repair themselves.  Water and food, both ruled by Venus, satiate us after exertion.  These things give us recuperation.  Venus also rules ‘Virya’ which loosely translates as semen.  Venus rules the vitality in the body.  When Venus is afflicted in a horoscope, then it takes a long time for the person to recover after exercise or illness.

Air is ruled by Saturn and causes the Action of Manual Skill, of which the power lies in the hands.  Manual dexterity is ruled by Saturn as is all manual labor.  Saturn rules the menial and when manual labor is a person’s profession, their caste is ruled by Saturn.  When a person has poor manual dexterity, then Saturn must be afflicted in the horoscope.

The Five Objects of the Sense

The objects of the senses are Tamasic, meaning they are obscuring.  The purpose of the five objects of sense is to satisfy the longings of the heartJupiter as Ether produces space.    Saturn as Air produces gasesMars as Fire, produces fire, electricity and energy.  Venus as Water produces liquidsMercury as Earth produces solids.  Space, air, fire, liquids and solids can all be experienced by the senses.  The two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon rule over the Atman or Higher Self and the Jiva or Individual respectively.  The Higher Self and the Individual are the ones experiencing the objects of sense.

Fear, which is the great cause of all neurosis and psychosis, is the number one contributing factor to abusing the objects of sense and not feeling satiated and at peace.  When the desires are not satisfied within a certain time frame, the person begins to fear that they will not be satisfied, and will crave more satiation through another source.  This gives rise to many different desires cropping up that cannot be satisfied all at once.  So the person half-heartedly pursues many different desires which cannot all be satisfied in one lifetime.  The unmet desires are still manifest within the psyche when the person dies, so the consciousness must be reborn to satisfy the numerous desires.  The best course to take, to avoid acquiring numerous desires and having numerous longings is to concentrate the mind on satisfying one desire at a time.  Turn one’s whole attention on fulfilling one desire, then the psyche can find more peace and satisfy the desires of the heart.

I hope you have enjoyed this information and can apply it in your life.

Another posting tomorrow!

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Why are they so important!

This pivotal week includes October 28 – Carl Calleman’s  belief of the actual end date of the Mayan Calendar……what will be presented and revealed…..will we change as people…..will time and the world stop……will a star-gate appear……so many unknowns……So Much Mystery……Such Wonder!

All is moving so fast and planning in the old way is pretty much redundant!

I will probably be sharing two or perhaps three blog entries within the next seven days or so. Stay turned…..#1 follows!

Getting IT Right!

“I’ve been on the spiritual path for years. I’ve meditated, gone to
therapy, and attended dozens of workshops, seminars, satsangs, and
retreats. But, I’m still not fundamentally different from when I
started on the path. Sure, I’m more centered, present and calm, but
I’m still challenged by many of the same emotional patterns. I
still struggle with anxiety and self-doubt. I still don’t feel like
I’m living on purpose. I’m still not deeply fulfilled. I’m still not
from Integral Enlightenment

The above quote comes from an email I received a few days ago. At first reading my reaction was pretty standard…yes that is true, are we no further along than ten, five, two, one year ago!

Then I started reflecting on the topic of this new blog, how to present it and what was its purpose – and BINGO….It hit me so strongly and has kept being affirmed since them.


These opinions are but one thread within a huge and complex puzzle of life, society beliefs.

In my humble opinion: The Power holding onto, questioning, resisting and being executioner of planetary and conscious awakening is held within the Walls of the Grand and Elite educational and scientific research universities, think tanks and corporations across the world: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Duke, Oxford, Cambridge, plus dozens more.

The very intangible things we search for and desire to manifest in and through our lives and the lives of others are the exact same things that are dismissed as invalid and non quantifiable by those mentioned above. Structure, forms, layers and rationalism of the illusive only represent validity. In the follow dialogue some of this discomfort is expressed. Each reader, of course, will have their own opinion….do you believe you have failed or succeeded? I am claiming just how much I have succeeded….and are now motivated to go bigger!

Learning Curve

During the past five weeks I have been participating in a course relating to Awakening the Evolutionary Impulse, Consciousness and Leadership for moving, aligning and creating new pathways for Humanity in these new times.

There is a strong emphasis on meditation and the work of Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohan and other academic spiritual leaders are recognized and focused on. It has been a good experience yet also challenged me by what is included and what I feel is missing.

The strong emphasis is on more accepted spiritual teachings coming from within the masculine, academic, structured, scientifically researched framework and any/most mentions of mystics, mystery and psychic touched topics are often referred to as coming from lower mind and “if that is possible, real or similar dismissals.” It is becoming more prevalent these days that the “experts and authorities” of spiritual evolution are men…..the cutting edge women of the past five to ten years have moved from the limelight and are being replace by men. My concern is that the pendulum is going to swing too far off center once again. Yes there are plenty of women out there presenting their knowledge, often but not always, to women only or primarily.

Let me qualify that statement a bit more. I am not slighting men, in fact I am one of the first to always honor men who are sincerely seeking, it is powerful. In example, I am referring to the medical model of the past, up until the 80s-90s. Male doctors were always the absolute authorities of the female body and reproduction. The power of women to know themselves (our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers….. ) was usurped, and in many cases and places, still is so! As we have now moved out of the past 26,000 years of patriarchal energy into an equal measure of matriarchal discovery  the realm of Spiritual Control is the place to continue dominance.

Bridging the chasm means both meeting in the middle of the bridge, sharing equal balance/wisdom/fears/experiences/love/loss/life and then learning to walk off the bridge (to either side) stepping carefully in order for both to get off the bridge safely.    

From reading some of the course forum comments, I have picked up that there are many participants having trouble getting their heads around some of the information and how it is framed. This is naturally to be expected!

From my personal perspective the balance I find missing is of the feminine. Please note I have not used male and female, but masculine and feminine – which each man and woman has within them. Without the infusion of true creation, divine feminine senses and principles (intangible, unreal, mystery if you like) to align and balance the masculine form and structure then the so called Integral Real World models for politics, government, medicine, business, education, ecology, spirituality and consciousness, as suggested by Ken Wilbur (and others) in vast writings are missing links to open and access the new dimensional frequencies of which we have been waiting so long for.

Pulling apart, arguing and dismissing what I have written is fine for there are so many ways to look and describe this topic. Yet to be truly effective and represent integrative awareness it will be necessary for a surrendering of the greatest academic, scientific and intellectual mind fears…....something’s will not, cannot and should not be “proven” as it ends up establishing  limits!

In an audio presentation specially prepared by Ken Wilber for the course, I shuddered when reading and listening to it (at least this is what I think I understood) that one of the Prime Directives of Integral Spirituality and Religion is to break the main tenets of each world religion and belief system down into acceptable Rational descriptions and purposes so ALL can be understood and in turn end all jihads and wars and this will bring peace!  This approach actually scares me hugely!

Perfect Partnerships – This includes Personal Life as well!

(This message was gifted to a powerful leader I am privileged to know.  It also seems perfect for all of us as well in light of the information above!)

High Mind and Alchemical Mystery are to be in balance and resonance of each other …..as the stem of the rose (High Pointed Mind) supports, protects, energizes and conducts the threads of life force and information necessary (and in right measure) for the blossom (Visioned  Outcome) to emerge, grow, focus toward (sun) fully manifest and live and then slowly die/change form in order to make way for the new buds/blossoms (evolution) waiting yet hidden from sight within the protective stem. (Constant change/every new day!)       (New Leadership Paradigm – large and small models alike!)

What I see and feel is when the Partnerships of High Minds of Academia, Science and Intelligence (masculine and feminine) meet, support and blend with Mystery, Mysticism, Creative Divine Essences beyond all forms yet infused with respect, knowing and education (feminine and masculine) – this will be the time of profound new information to be transmitted into the Consciousness of Humanity and Unity will be fulfilled.

There is great power and humility in agreeing to disagree and to listen deeply and respectfully when in great discomfort….merging of mind and heart is the perfect prescription for conscious changing Peace, Awareness, Acceptance and Leadership.

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So much is happening these days and much of it completely unexpected!

The continuing  video series on Spiritual Baggage. Here are segments 2 and 3 in the series. Hope you enjoy the information……many have found it enlightening and helpful in their lives. (sometimes Youtube scares me!)

Spiritual Baggage Final video the next single posting.

Check this out also

Another article and perspective I don’t necessarily agree with, you decide for yourself as usual!     The Spirit Ends When The Brain Dies by 

There are also new videos (see sidebar) I created for Ted Dawson, Native American Herbalist at Mountain Wintu Herbs. These are an interesting educational journey. A couple more segments will be following shortly.

Could it be Karma!

Who would have ever guessed that the symbol of financial world dominance (Wall Street and the Twin Towers) and the role of morphing the view of freedom to a view of bondage by terror for 9 years (a complete numerical cycle) has now become the very vantage point of a new cycle (10 = 1 …year 1 of a new cycle) ……..the people standing in non-violent formation demanding the Elite powers of finance, power, domination and manipulation be accountable, stop, return, surrender and accept “it is not, cannot and will not be…..business as per THEIR usual.”

Occupy Wall Street, New York and Beyond     The People are speaking!   Join the voices from around the world!

Remembering back to the very early beginning of the Internet,which I believe was a large “covert” project established between the government, military and specific educational institutions to disseminate, formulate, process, cover-up and instigate information and actions behind the scenes without being seen…….and NOW over the past number of years it  is this very same instrument that is, has been and will continue to”expose them and their deeds” to the people of the world.

Could this be what one calls….”A Massive Spiritual Set-Up!”

Another Visionary has left us!

Yesterday, the sad and unexpected news of the passing of Steve Jobs, visionary and creator of Apple. He established Apple in 1976 yet it appears really pivotal years were around 1986-1993. These were also pivotal years for two other visionaries that pass unexpectedly from this earthly presence this year.

In 1986-7, Jose Aguelles gave birth to the meaning of the ancient prophesies of the Maya and their calendar, heralded by the Harmonic Convergence in August, 1987. This very information is what has been driving the world towards the dates of October 28, 2011 and December 21,2012……and the complete unknown of what “will really happen!”

In 1987 Ra Uru Hu was “downloaded” with amazing information that became the formal process called Human Design. For anyone familiar with HD, it is an incredible source of revelation and has often been called, which I completely agreed with,  “is the new psychology for the 21st century and millennium.

There maybe other inspiring visionaries that could be included here also.

The incredible similarity here is that “each man was gifted with galactic knowledge which I see to reside outside the brain (a processing muscle). Through their unique soul/mind/consciousness brain processing, the information in each case was formulated into usable, binary, numerically based, traceable through time lines and weaving time, space, information through  (1) inanimate object = computer;     (2)galactic and cosmic history = Mayan Calendar;    (3)Human Design Grid = the unique physcial, mental, emotional, spiritual and soul blueprint of each person.

Their work was done and the rest of us are left to use, expand and create the next level of amazing information…..just as the unique information these men (and others) were gifted with did not exist before it was brought down to earth level….the NEW information we are waiting for will be gifted through the right person/people at the right times and places, in the right ways and for correct use.

Perhaps some of it is here already but I very much doubt the critical and essential threads have been revealed……humanity and power have not proven enough integrity and responsibility to be trust thus far!  In a surprise conversation with someone (a scientist) from the past this week….the dialogue turned to “remote viewing” and he told that the military have incredibly well trained viewers that are able to see future events…..yet have not been able to “see correctly” in and around 2012 dates…….how interesting is that!

We all have to live with patience (tough, I know), in light consciousness, pure heart and compassion, acceptance and tolerance for difference, support and presence…..for maybe, one day, it could be anyone of us that is chosen to be the deliverer of the new cosmic, galactic, earthly manifesting information to change the way the everyday world lives!


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A short entry today announcing the latest video of the Labyrinth’s journey. I have met many wonderful people and have been honored to shared in each personal experience.

During these experiences I have discovered in subtle ways the unseen power of labyrinths. As an “energetic light substation” the more people walking it in a specific location amplifies the energy of the intentions of prayers and blessings: “to surrender all that is not in my highest good” (walking in) and “to claim and integrate the wholeness of the new potential within and without” (walking out).

On Saturday, September 17th I will have the Labyrinth at the Rejuvenation Festival in Mendocino, CA.

The next audio in the series “Storing the Past….Clearing the Future” will be on Spiritual Baggage. Hopefully ready for next week!

Until then………..Blessings!

(once again YouTube has done something strange with the first image, working on fixing it!)

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Finally I have finished the first part of the journey of Walking for World Peace. What a wonderful experience it has been thus far of meeting and sharing each journey. I find it incredibly satisfying and empowering to what and acknowledge the energetic changes that happen so subtly yet profoundly.

Click on this link to view the first video of Walking for World Peace Labyrinth.

So many beautiful smiles before us…..it would be wonderful to have your smile join the many others!

Sebastopol is the next stop for the Walking for Wold Peace Labyrinth.

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In the wee hours of last Tuesday morning my friend Stephanie and I arrived back from our trip to the desert, Palm Springs and Joshua Tree, to visit a friend. We knew it would be hot but you know, you forget how hot, hot is! Our 5 days ranged from 104 to 109 degrees, with nights in the high 80s! It was too hot for Stephanie so she spent most of the days inside beside a fan. Pool water was not much of a relief as it boarded on bath temp water.

I had to get out and made several trips to the town Joshua Tree, twenty-five miles from Palm Springs. The two main reasons people come to the town are Joshua Tree National Park and the Joshua Tree Retreat Center or The Institute of Mentalphysics. Joshua Tree Main Street has a small selection of cafe, restaurants and bars, craft and souvenir, bank, gas and necessities and not much else. Yubba Valley just six miles away provides the locals with all their shopping needs.  The Retreat Center of 400 plus areas hosts classes, gatherings and festivals throughout the year and people come from all over the world.

I was told the National Park brings 200,000 plus visitors to this little town, although very few actually stop here, they just keep of driving! I learned to appreciate the stark beauty of the summer desert in New Mexico. Dry parched soil. Plants and cactus varieties have adapted and sustained themselves in spite of the dryness and heat. Amazing rock formations dot the landscape and offer protection for the occasional oasis that appear out of nowhere, offering wildlife the blessing of water. For me, walking, sitting and taking in the beauty of nature, feeling the ancestors in the wind and listening to the calls of wildlife bring peace and clarity not found in the everyday hustle bustle world.

Medicine Gardening

The other morning started with a major weeding project before installing a drip system in the veggie garden. A couple of weeks ago the then “innocent looking” weeds didn’t look too threatening but after lovely sunshine, lots of water and a week away the growth was tremendous. At the same time the veggies had made good progress but not to the same degree. This year as a medicine woman gardener I have marveled at the fact we have had no problems with destructive bugs, fungus or gophers, even though there are holes in many of the beds. We have used nothing at all and the soil seems balanced and accommodating to all varieties. Loving medicine magic seems to work except with the weeds!

Walking for World Peace

In the last blog I mentioned a new offering of beautiful custom hand-painted labyrinths available for anyone or any business/organization looking to enhance the body, mind and spirit connections for those in the lives. Unbeknown to me at the time this project was/is to get bigger and after much ignoring of such a fact I stepped into the guidance. You are still able to order your very own beautiful labyrinth from Earth Spirit Journeys

“Walking for World Peace” is the name of this project and will be initiated this weekend at the Mystic Garden Gathering in Selma, Or. (A gathering I never expected to ever attend….shows what I know!) The new focus of this music gathering will enhancing and understanding community more, empowering through great and diverse music, yoga,  meditation, dance and sharing without drugs  and alcohol. Last night as a few of the volunteers shared fabulous pizza cooked on the open fire, rain drizzling in the background (it later rained all night), I listened and learned from the young adults present, the ages of my sons, some of their desires, fears, understandings and realities. And I understood why I am to be present.  They want a better world, not most of the garbage that is being presented for in 30 years this generation will be the leaders of the world….a very new world of their creation….not the one that is crumbling before our eyes.

They know, as so many of us already know, change happens from within first, to then emanate out into the world through actions, integrity, purpose and vision. Walking the labyrinth is a practice to get in touch and claim the grounded self. “Walking for World Peace” will be a video diary of everyone who participates beginning this weekend and coincides with Dr. Emoto’s Prayers for the Waters of Japan and the World on July 25th. On Monday I’ll be at Aquarius Books in Grants Pass, OR and the following weekend in Mt Shasta at a City Park festival. After that I am to take the labyrinth down through various communities in California and then beyond. Each month I ‘ll put out the video diary of all who are sharing in Walking for World Peace.” To support the travel and editing expenses of this project each person who walks the labyrinth will be asked to gift a donation as an energy exchange…..all amounts will be accepted in great gratitude.

World Peace WILL NOT come through the lack of war, anger, greed, corruption and power.

It will come and does come as EACH PERSON grows in peace within themselves, in understanding of themselves and their roles in life…..a not so easy and never ending seeking journey…..even when one leaves this life it continues in more earnest. Another topic!

If you would like to host or have Waling for World Peace come to your community please let me know.

Young or old, rich or poor ….we are all equal in the eyes of the Divine Creator by all names, colors, creeds and beliefs!

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