
Archive for the ‘Ophelia's Journey’ Category

Today is the celebration of Mother’s Day. The day our advertising world tells and demands that the role of Mother is to be honored and remembered, most especially by purchasing “the unforgettable items or services for the one who gave you life!”  Sentiments to absolutely touch the heart and wallet or bigger, the bank account.

Yet beyond all this, the celebration of Mother’s Day is filled with bitter sweet and sweet bitter memories for infinite numbers all across the world.

Today there are those rejoicing in the wonders of new motherhood, like my daughter-in-law, Shannon. Along with my son Mathew, they are learning the nuances of the vital new personality named Brayden. In the role of “grandmother” I reminisce on those same days many years earlier, at the births of both Jerame and Mathew. Then following the threads forward until today, I remember as only I can.

And this takes me to remember my mother who is now 86 years old, living in Australia. We will talk today yet as usual the conversation will be short and more of a repeat of our last conversations…..she does not get out because she is not able to walk very well and her hearing appears to be selective at times….”I can’t hear you” is often repeated, yet if I were to mention or worse yet ask for money…..her attention would be snapped into focus and clarity be razor sharp! This makes me smile now though in the past it had been a bone of contention to say the least.  Today I remember so much and send her love through the ether’s of our hearts that have always been connected……from birth and beyond!


This day is not so sweet for others. For mothers so loved who are not here any longer; those who have rifts and caverns or great canyons of despair, anger or worse yet hate so unresolved, there is little sweetness.

Loss of a mother, loss of a father, loss of a child, loss of a friend, loss of an enemy…….all this and then the loss of oneself!

One day back in 2005 while living outside Washington DC I was drawn to visit Arlington Cemetery. It was a visit I had resisted several times. On that day with camera in hand I filmed the scene. Walking along the paths, each side lined with row upon row of white crosses, I filmed not knowing why it was important.

Return to Arlington video

If you have not visited this place it is very hard to imagine! It is the size of a small town. It is laid out as such, street after street offering different views and landscapes. No houses…just white crosses…..etheric residences.

The result of this day was a short quite powerful video piece called “Return to Arlington”. (Although my camera quality at the time was not fabulous, the message within it is powerful and thought-provoking…and revealed itself again today as I prepared to write this entry.)

Here are a few lines which are particularly poignant for today and the days around us.

“Breathe in life, breathe in death….It is one and the same….a mirror of our times…………….

A mother cries in a distant land, the child she bore is here no more.

There is no home on this land here….this land here is the same on a distant shore.

A wail, a cry, an anguished heart

Who says what’s right!  Who says what’s not! …………………………….

It is time for silence no more!

How many more mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters must return to THIS resting place


On this day of honoring Mother, The Mother, Our Mothers, the feminine birth with each woman and each man…..

Can we hear and feel our Soul’s cry ENOUGH!

Can we hear and feel our Heart’s cry ENOUGH!

Can we hear and feel and BELIEVE the world has LOST enough!



If so……Say so!…….Write and Feel and Believe

“my Inner Soul has had enough…..I claim back myself and I claim back my Nation and I claim back the Mother!”

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 Just in     Somewhat sheepishly, Exxon makes $11 billion

As the population of Planet Earth is just about 7 billion people – what can be said about this single first quarter profit of ONE oil company!    Questions?   Investigations?   How much more will THEY take?

Contrasts Re-Awaken Similarities and  Possibilities

The days or weeks leading up to another blog entry always make me antsy to write yet I don’t have a clear focus or topic to write about. It was a similar feeling and process I experienced when preparing for the taping of my television program from 2004 to 2007. I would get lots of  clues and messages but it took time to see their relevance before the final piece was laid in place.

 This past week fits into this same category and now I enjoy the game of revelations that goes along with the emerging clues. Today is the day to put “pen to paper” so to speak. And as part of the writing I want to share the unfolding of clues that has taken place. Notice the diversity and commonalities that emerge, do you see the theme!

Clue 1:  Last Tuesday and Wednesday I began remembering the trip my former husband and I took to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1996. Several very powerful memories kept surfacing until one stood out more than the other. (I will share that story later in this posting.)

Clue 2: On Wednesday I also receive a new message from the Hathors by Tom Kenyon.  Here is a very short excerpt that now has a more profound meaning for so many.

We now wish to address the question of a new creation for those of you who may find yourself in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster, such as an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or destructive weather patterns.

If the destructive force is strong enough, the perceptual markers of your former reality may no longer exist. Your home or place of business may no longer be there. You may find yourself dealing with shortages of food and water, and there are any number of variables that can come together to create a state of shock and overwhelm.

We wish to be very clear in what we are about to say. Shock and overwhelm in the face of disasters are a natural mammalian response, and if you are to transcend and transform the moment you must reach upward to higher dimensions of your own existence, your own being, to those realms of consciousness that are beyond time and space….... (from Transition States of Consciousness)

Clue 3: Today, April 29, 2011 (4+11+4 = 19 = 1   new beginning) was the Big Day . The marriage of William and Kate takes the British Monarchy into brand new image territory – the king-to-be  marrying a commoner along with a significant softening of age old rigid traditions. Some commentators called it “the day the UK came out of mourning for Princess Diana, breathing life back into a nation!”  I was awake at 4:20am and prompted to get up. I didn’t! I waited until the push was stronger, finally getting up at 5:10am to turn on television where I am staying. I had missed the service so had to be happy with the ramblings, cut-ins of the service and location interviews. Then around 6:00am  CNN and others started cutting back across the Atlantic to reporters in the South showing the incredible tornado damage done in six southern states. At one point I even saw split screen images of “the wedding and the devastation” – such contrasts!

Clue 4: Last night I took my Medicine Bundle out of hiding. It was time for the bundle to share a night on the Mother Earth. So I placed all the sacred stones and items on the land and did prayers and blessings. This morning with music of the native flute in the background, I did a short meditation and pulled some medicine cards for additional clues. Skunk-Reputation; Blue Heron-Self-Reflection; Weasel-Stealth revealed themselves. (Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson). Reading the descriptions I took the messages/relevance shown for today.

Clue 5: Then later in the warming sun I checked the new seedlings in the garden, got my hands dirty in the soil and became aware of “dialogue in my head” moving the clues of information around to create varying story lines and revelations…..Contracts is situations, intimate connecting with strangers because of disaster, life and death, physical and material loss and spiritual rebirth.

So what is the message within all these clues! 

From Apathy to Empathy

First and foremost the human experience is bound to contrasts as a way of finding the middle ground. The goal if one could look at it this way, is to find the middle path,  the harmonious balance between the contrasts, at least for a little while. It is also in our human nature to get complacent or lost if we stay in that middle and balanced place for too long without some conscious awareness. People and situations are taken for granted, apathy can set in or creating too much action and/or anger to make change for the wrong reasons or in the wrong way.

Although there are many situations to mention I am just taking a few. At the beginning of the Iraq War, probably 97% of people had no idea it would still be going 10 years later, with no true end in sight! Unless one is in the thick of it, apathy and non-caring takes over. It is on someone else’s land. The earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding and massive destruction and loss of life in Indonesia (12/26/2004); Gulf Coast, USA (8/28/2005);  Haiti (1/12/2010); New Zealand (2/22/2011); Japan (3/11/2011)  now takes on new meaning, empathy and consciousness in this country.  Katrina hit hard and is now close to forgotten, unless you were very personally effected and still trying to get back together. The recent mid-west flooding continues as the spring snows melt. And then yesterday (4/28/2011) a massive number of tornadoes ripped through the South completely wiping out entire areas and the loss of life rises.  “It looks like a war zone!” It looks like a 3rd world country!” “Everything has completely changed!”

Now all of these people and departed souls are connected by and through the consciousness thread of Unity in Tragedy through the Uprising of Spiritual Awakening for the New World of Light Integrity Living.  Read it again if you didn’t get it the first time!  Mother Nature holds no favorites.  Even the poorest regions of the US are wealthier than many 3rd or 4th world countries.  In a split second contrasts are wiped out, taking each one to find the core of what is important, what is real, what is lasting or what is not! The physical rebuilding in all of these cases is huge. The spiritual rebuilding is even more crucial, even larger and will be the transforming force of all that comes behind. These are the lessons and these are the gifts shared.

Footing the Bill!

One of the first things that will come to the front after the initial shock has passed will be about “where is the money going to come from…..we have an economic crisis!”  Now let’s see if this country has and is ready for a new or renewed brand of politician who takes initiative for social and financial greed and change. Who will really use the insane amounts of $$$ they raise in the “name of campaigning”  for real, tangible projects instead of recycling it through select corporate boardrooms and the like.  It is time to Walk the Talk in a completely new way and no-one can immune  themselves from this movement ahead.   This type of action will get the votes they seek, guaranteed!

 Haiti – A Lesson from Mission Dollars

This trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1996 was amazing for me and I was not new to travel. I had lived in Europe for five years in my twenties, traveled the world as a Stewardess with British Airways and had my own wholesale travel company before the advent of the Internet. This trip awakened and tested my spiritual resolve, beliefs and depths. My husband and I were part of a group of eighteen clergy and lay people at the invitation of the International Department of the Mission Department of the Presbyterian Church. We were there to see how effective change was happening, if at all and how effective or not where mission monies being spent and on what types of projects. So many stories to tell….but this one was profound…..as it is about contrasts!

Black and White

Our bus pulled up in front of a new, white building with lovely landscaping. The white exterior was sparking in the sun and my first thought was “this is so out of place here!”  Our Host greeted us warmly and chatted as we toured the new clinic, wonderfully funded by several congregations in Pennsylvania. “Leave your mark in concrete” he suggested. My husband was thrilled at the opportunity. After a short stop we were scheduled to visit the pastor of a small church in another part of the town, in the bario, there would be a short service of welcome.

The church was an old, rundown, grey block square building with no doors or windows, just openings. Apart from enough seats for those present, a podium and a table, there wasn’t anything else. The pastor was pleasant and quiet. The music, besides voices, was provided by a man sitting straddling an old box speaker without the actual speaker. Just a hole with four pieces of metal nailed to it. He twanged the metal and there was music! A large Creole Haitian woman caught my eye. She was dressed in a bright dress with matching head wrap, she seemed to be someone they all respected.

The service ended, we all milled around and then started to leave. The woman came up to me as I stood alone to the side. “Viens, viens avec moi!” she asked several times. “Come with me” she was asking. Years ago I spoke really good French, although it was very out of practice, I understood her French/Creole words. I started to follow her. Tim asked where I was going and I response “I have no idea!” He joined me.

We started towards their village although this is a very questionable description to use by our standards!  Another group member, Doreen asked to join us and so we disappeared though the rabbit warren of  shacks of tin, wood, cardboard or whatever, seeing penned pigs, a chicken or two, dogs here and there. We kept going, winding further into this amazing place. Although the paths and floors of their homes were dirt, all was very orderly and clean, as though they respected what they had.

We finally came to the only block building, we entered at her request. There were two rooms. The first one had a table and two chairs, that’s all I noticed. The walls were adorned with pages from magazines, as though for decoration. We entered the second room, it was smaller, two small windows and a double bed. Don’t remember anything else. Lying on the bed was the blackest man I had ever seen! The woman’s skin was much lighter in comparison. He was delirious, he was mumbling continually. “Il est mon mari. Il est malade! ” she said He is my husband, he is sick!

That was an understatement! Just one look told you that! I was drawn to the bed and reached down to touch the man’s arm. He was on fire! His skin was swollen, spongy and boiling hot to the touch. I couldn’t image what it felt like!  “Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, je suis pret!  My God, my God, I am ready! He kept saying over and over.  His wife started talking to us and I caught on to most of what she was saying but my mind was with her husband.  I remembered the clinic and saw Red! Back to the man! I sat on the bed because it felt right. Held his hand and spoke to him because it felt right. I also felt he was so close to leaving, to dying, his body energy was shutting down.

Tim was standing next to me and Doreen next to him. The wife stood at the end of the bed. Tim was so uncomfortable yet wanting to do something. I turned as he looked at the woman and said “I know you will not understand the words I say but I would like to say a prayer for your husband!” She smiled and nodded, she did understand! In the time we held hands and Tim saying his prayer a bubble of light and power came over us. There were no other sounds, there was nothing else except the five of us. As was usual, Tim’s prayer was long winded but it was perfect, it came from the depths of his heart. He stopped talking and we just stayed there, in this bubble of light.

Suddenly noise broke the silence and voices were getting loud. Lionel, our tour leader entered and spoke to the woman. Haitian by birth, Lionel had been saved by Amnesty International many years earlier, when imprisoned in the dungeons of the Palace, the very palace we had had tea in days earlier. Fortunately, he was a living victim of Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier’s reign of terror. This trip was his first to Haiti since those days.

The woman told him her husband had been lying there for three days, he had been very sick and she was afraid he would die. Lionel asked why she had not taken him to the new clinic. She shook her head and explained. It was not for Haitians. They have no money. It is not welcoming to people like us!  I was furious as I had already figured that out. I insisted that Lionel arrange for the men to take him to the clinic. A young man working at the clinic kept saying “they know it is there, it is their fault if they don’t go!” Wrong!

Eventually the man was taken to the clinic and we went off the follow the scheduled events. I was still upset by what had happened and what I saw! No one else seemed to care!

At the end of the day we returned to the clinic to clean up before the long trip back to the hotel. On the way to the bathroom I caught sight of a man in a wheelchair with a nurse and another woman standing beside him. Slowing and straining to listen I heard “I don’t know why they brought him here, there is nothing wrong!” I looked again, it was the same man but he looked completely different. I tried not to show surprise.

Minutes later after looking for Tim I made my way back to the bus, through the garden. In front of me was the nurse pushing the wheelchair. They stopped in front of Doreen and the young man from earlier. As I walked by, I stopped, touched the man’s arm and asked “Vous etre bien maintenant!” Big eyes looked up at me and a smile shone through. He gave a slight node and I kept walking.

Two nights later, our last night and we all gathered for a debriefing and celebration. Going around the table everyone had a chance to share something of their journey. It was Doreen’s turn. She shared and then just as she finished she turned to me, smiled and told the group there was something further she needed to say.  Giving a brief outline to remind all of the time she was referencing.

Looking directly at me she began “I have something to tell you that you need to know. When we were standing on the path you spoke to the man and then walked off…..he turned to us and with a smile said “Elle a ete mon ange” She was my angel! “(excuse not having the correct accents)

I was moved to tears, humbled and knew it had all played out for many reasons. The good intentions of mission monies and how they are spent often miss the mark completely and are for the givers to feel good rather than to completely benefit the receivers. The clinic, so pristine and perfect was an “unwelcoming white elephant” in the small community. The staff couldn’t understand why people they knew were sick would not go there. After this instance I did hear “through the grapevine” there had been changes and staff were now working to make the clinic an open and welcoming place for everyone, not just those who fit the right profile.

The contrast came in the meeting of the black man and a white woman innocently becoming the light of awakening where color, possessions, culture and financial status  had absolutely no power or place.

As you reflect on our world, there is much for us to do!

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www.earthspiritjourneys.com (new website)

Breaking News

I am not a television watcher or newspaper reader mainly because there is very little truth reported by the Big Names. But because of a future project that is still waiting in the wings, I have started following The Huffington Post to see what is being reported nationally and internationally on virtually any topic. One of today’s headlines read:


U.S. Ahead Of China, Britain, France And Russia Combined.. U.S. Spending Up 81% In Past Decade, Increased In 2010 While Europe Decreased

Why is anyone surprised? Why is everyone not outraged?

Another big topic to surface again this week has been the Abortion issue with rhetoric and politics heated as usual.

The Past Revisited

As many readers already know, back in 2004 to 2006/7 I produced and hosted my own television program called “Have You Ever Wondered…Stepping Beyond Status Quo”. It started on Charlottesville, VA Public Access Television, later being seen in Fairfax Co, VA, Montgomery Co, MD, Santa Fe and Washington DC.   The theme was “Have you ever wondered if everything you have ever been told is true…..Usually it is not and here’s why!”  We covered dozens and dozens of very varied topics, pulling out pieces from many sources and then offering new perspectives and/or contradictions to what was/is standard acceptance.

At the time George W Bush was President and he gave us some really great seeds to works from. One in particular was from a statement he made at Kansas State when asked about the abortion issue. Quote ” I will fight for a Culture of Life and the Principle that every Life has Value.”

As I prepared for an upcoming program  I received strong guidance to write and present” the following perspective. Now more than ever, there is great significance  in relationship to the news headlines mentioned above and our lives today.

The Debate

“There is a fine line to cross in this debate. If you believe in  PROLIFE

Is it applicable in ALL areas of Life!

Is it still an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

If taking a stance for PROLIFE,  do you also support the DEATH PENALTY, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOC., putting guns in the hands of the children you saved through prolife THAT ARE NOW ADULTS!

Do you rejoice when the enemy is killed and do you want retaliation when your own are killed!

Is it WIN at any cost!

Is a PROLIFE stance only a display for political and social acceptance!

Does a PROLIFE stance only affect selected portions of the population!

Does Death justify Death and Revenge override Forgiveness!

Then at the end of the day and one holds a religious belief and faith in the ORIGINAL AND TRUE teachings of Christianity, Judism, Islam, Buddhism, the Tao, Native American teachings and any other discipline that is TRULY guided by the Essence of God (by all names), Divine Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Heart-Centered Action

Can any of the above mentioned be supported with conviction!

What does your Heart and Soul say?

For one cannot support both and not be a hypocrite!”

Yes we are all hypocrites in so many ways yet is it not time to call ourselves and most especially Governments out on such blatant behaviors in the quest for $$$$$ and power!


Essence of God looking back at you!

Today I took a Sunday drive through the wine country of Sonoma County. It was beautiful weather and my day was touched by several serendipitous meetings. This weekend the town of Sonoma hosted its Film Festival so the streets and businesses were filled with visitors from everywhere. The town established back in the 1830s or so reminded me of Santa Fe. A large central park surrounded, the Mission and former homes, hotels and businesses with Santa Fe charm.

One particular place that moved me to tears was the gallery of Lisa Kristine   www.LisaKristine.com. The current exhibition is called Slavery and her photographs are amazing, beautiful, heart-wrenching, horrifying, inhumane, powerful and so much more. I encourage you to visit her site, have your heart moved and see the Essence of God looking back at you!


The Whole World is in OUR hands……..What are WE going to DO with IT?

What else is there to say!

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Link to the new Earth Spirit Journeys website

Greetings once again to everyone on this amazingly fast ride these days.  I thought this was going to be a short posting as my time is rather fractured (in a good way). I have been visiting Florida for a week and looking after my new grandson while Mum and Dad are off working. Over the past few days many hours have been spent sitting, cuddling, walking, feeding and enjoying this new little person….in our jaded world we forget how precious life is when first revealed.

Mother Shannon and Son bonding!

The End of an Era – Death – Dramatic Events Activate The Heart

As the cycle of life must continue everywhere across the planet, the miracle of birth awakens great joy and expectations. At the last new moon in Pisces on March 4th,  Brayden William made his appearance. Three weeks earlier in Australia my sister joined the ranks of grandparents with the birth of a granddaughter.

On March 11th,  the day of the Japanese earthquake, visionary, creator, founder and radical teacher of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu suddenly passed on and then on March 23rd another amazing visionary, creator, way-shower, ancient voice and radical teacher known as the

Father of 2012 Mayan Prophesy, Jose Aguelles, (The Mayan Factor), passed on through life’s veils. These two men led extraordinary lives, they were gifted with knowledge back in the late eighties that has literal become “planetary conscious changing”. Their sources were different although both accessed combination’s of ancient wisdom virtually lost for 5,000 years plus. They revamped it into language and structures for the people of our times to study, accept and understand. The void left by these two men is huge at the moment yet it also offers many huge opportunities for students (old and new) everywhere to pick up the reins, each in a unique way and create for the next levels/dimensions of awakened consciousness. If you are unfamiliar with the work of Ra and Jose please search for yourself, I believe you will be amazed!    Ra at  http://www.jovianarchives.com         Jose  at  http://www.lawoftime.org/home.html

And just in the past couple of days two women also departed this life….Elizabeth Taylor and Geraldine Ferraro. In their own very different ways, they were both visionary and radical teachers of a woman’s place and movement ahead in society.

Perspectives of Above and Below

My flight departed from San Francisco for the long trip to Florida via Atlanta (and its insanely long underground airport rail system.) At the airport, distance between the farthest terminal points is a mile! When the airport was built it was proudly promoted as the ‘world’s biggest bomb shelter’…..yet most of the time during peak hours it is a traveler’s nightmare!

Looking out the window to the expansive sky, clouds and landscape 37,000 feet below I realized the route we were flying was close to one of the routes I had driven back in December on my 5,000 miles road trip. Far below with Reno/Lake Tahoe to the north, snow covered mountain ranges stretched out in all directions. Long sections of road caught my eye before getting lost as they wound through the mountains, at times connecting with other roads from varying directions. Following the map in the airline magazine I watched the terrain change in Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma and eastward. Apart from the very occasional pinpoint of a town far below there was nothing for hundreds of miles. Once out of the mountains the roads became long, straight and incredibly desolate and from my vantage place inside an aircraft at 37,000 feet an emotional wave ran through me and I became to cry.

At earth level just seeing the road in front as much as physically possible gives one no idea of what is really surrounding us, of where we are in the big picture or of the relevance/significance we are having on the landscape of life. Looking down upon the stark vistas below shows how completely vulnerable one can be and also how incredibly protected and safe one is at times on the journey. The high view also offered a perspective on how Soul/Spirit and the Divine realms watch and evaluate how The World far below expresses, learns and operates. Perhaps even to the point of  each Spirit Essence reviewing the impact of  thoughts, actions and emotions on their previous human earthly existence!

Is As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without really correct?

Over the years of working with clients and the world of energy, vibration and sound I have come to an understanding that is slightly different from the norm. As Within, So Without is fairly obvious and translates into “what is happening and being held internally eventually must manifest in some form in the physical world.”

As Above So Below is different!

My theory of Soul/Spirit Essence residing, so to speak, in ‘bubbles’ of varying translucencies’ (based on spirit’s purity and/clarity) in the heavenly process of reviewing the just completed life in preparation for evolution to the next levels of ITs Divine purpose. (You may have to read this a couple of times to get the drift!)

Imagination Exercise:For a moment picture yourself as a spark of energy light floating high in the universal sky, looking down at a video of your life (visual view of the akashic records). Unfolding below, you see scenarios from before birth, choosing of your parents and siblings, all experiences, feelings, joy and sorrows, people, jobs, loves, hates, all life passing by for review. You watch how you handled some situations well and not so well. How you were hurt and how you hurt others. How power, greed, anger, low esteem, pain, drive, compassion service  and so much more played out and what have been the expanded results and consequences you had no idea about.

As the review continues little vignettes of unfinished business pop up. A young frightened mother gives her baby up for adoption; a emotional and physical battle between father and child; a mother filled with depression; the sudden death of a child; raging pain in war between enemies; dozens of scenarios being shown, each one  bringing faces of the past to light.

As heavenly tears rain down from the Soul/Spirit Essence, a mix of sadness, then is energized with Divine Light and Love of recognition and acceptance……as though saying “I understand!  How can I help them heal, understand, forgive and change all from the past into Healing Love Potential for the future! How do I let all those still living know what I have learned UP HERE and how can I help create a new, healthy and compassionate future world!”  (Remember, all the previous dialogue is You as a spark of Energy Light/ Soul, not the human manifested body.)

Therefore, As Above, So Below is really the spark of Energy Light/Soul trying to review, acknowledge, dissolve, neutralize and purify the past life memories, to clean the slate before  the next joyful incarnation into Life in the 5th Dimension.

More to follow in future posting!

The Amazing Salvadore Dali

Yesterday as a birthday treat, along with my son, Mathew and grandson, we visited the new Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida. For many, many years St Pete had been the home of a large collection of Dali’s art , housed in a smaller location. This new building is quite incredible and officially opened on 1/11/11, quite an auspicious date! Located right on the water at the south end of downtown St Pete, it’s dynamic façade begs further investigation.

Approaching from USF campus the square grey three story concrete walls hide an impressive front entrance. Appearing to be birthed from the grey concrete is an elongate blue flowing egg shape reaching out towards the sea. The blue flowing egg is amazingly constructed from hundred of triangles bolted together.  This description is so uninspiring in comparison to reality.  The architect  was Yann Weymouth of Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK). He worked alongside architect I.M. Pei on the renovation of the Louvre in Paris. He has beautifully used sacred geometry very obviously throughout the building. Its design combines a square, rigid, masculine concrete frame; a flowing feminine egg shape joined by the trinity (triangle) creating unity and balance. In the center atrium, surrounded by the gift shop, ticket counters and café stands the flowing spiral staircase with its handrail flowing and reaching high above the third floor’s top step, like a ribbon billowing in the wind. The spiral is based on the Golden Mean ratio as seen in the Fibonacci series of harmonics, the very harmonic found in all living matter. Even in the hustle and noise of so many visitors, as I ascended the stairs to the main gallery, about half way up I felt a distinct energy shift and tingle in my spine as though a recalibration was taking place.

Mathew and I had seen most of the art exhibited during visits to the previous gallery. The new gallery has many more cartoons and drawing series along with several films on Dali and his life being played constantly. He was an eccentric, brilliant artist. His work is not easily understood yet this new museum is attracting such a diverse clientele….visitors yesterday were from all ages, social, economic, cultural and educational backgrounds….I was amazed not only at the diversity but also the true interest and appreciation the art and the architecture was drawing forth.

Our times have truly changed. People from every walk and cultural expression of life are changing, seeking, learning, joining, wondering, questioning and asking about the greater and truer meanings of life and how to improve their experience…..it may appear that there is great negative……yet finally in real time….the reality of higher mass conscious  awareness is everywhere and cannot be ignored…..

This is grassroots 5th Dimension Mysticism is true form!

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Little Brayden William arrived on the Pisces New Moon bringing joy into the hearts of daddy, mummy and all who know him.

For all the children and the children of children, ourselves included…..What sort of world do we want to create and live in from this moment onwards?

My last posting on Courage, Life Force, Vision, Purpose….What is Important! received so much activity it surprised and showed me how important it appears to be for many people…Courage, Vision, Purpose are vital and are a driving force to improve lives. At the time of writing it I had no conscious idea of how the world, collectively and personally would so dramatically be in my face yet it is!

It is hard to believe 10 days have flown by since the lasting posting and all I can say is that the “shake, rattle and roll” of life and the planet are intensely getting our attention. Outpourings of help and prayers of comfort and healing are going out back and forth across lands and seas for the people of Japan, the Ivory Coast, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, New York bus accident and many others in turmoil and pain.

I have read many of the reports on the earthquake and tsunami searching to see if there were any early warning signs, if Mother Nature did idea give notice of the pending changes she was to express. Nothing has been mentioned which immediately takes me back to the similar event in Indonesia back in December 2004.

In the days following that tsunami much skepticism was revealed from sources all over the world as to whether there had been another action to trigger the event. There were very strong suspicion around secret underground bombing tests being done by the US at Womera Rocket Range in Central Australia. A natural fault line appeared from that point all the way to Indonesia. Threats by HAARP also raised questions. Let’s hope Japan’s tragedy was from Mother Nature’s voice alone!

What do we do when the them could be us or are they already us?

Since the people of Egypt recently and successfully stood and demonstrated in peaceful solidarity, others desiring to express and achieve similar results within their countries, states or government officials are meeting with old and very warn out deliberate and brute force all intended to break the Spirit of the People. No matter whether it be in Madison, WI., Libya or Yemen resolve is in the hearts of the people and holding the highest ideals will surely result in achieving them, the only caveat being it will probably not look like we think!

The human spirit is powerful beyond measure, always has been since the beginning of time and will continue to be so through the evolution of time, space and life.  Oh! how powerful a tiny speck of light can be in the space of utter blackness and as eyes adjust to  see in the blackness, all/any lightness expands and magnifies itself to be Divine Hope and Love.

I repeat What do we do when the them could be us or are they already us?

Find your Blackness and seek their Light then send that Light back into their Blackness….for we are all one in the purest form of consciousness no matter the starkness of  the material world or in the mysterious realms of Ether.

My personal world has been amazing this past week opening up potentials and revealing me to myself as the one I have been seeking for years. It has not been done alone for others mirror and demonstrate that in actions, words and deeds…..my gratitude is profound and now it is to live more fully beyond any fear of old!

Performance Evening in Ashland

Next Friday I will be presenting the Conscious Awakening Theater in Ashland, OR….stepping out to be vulnerably seen by strangers. Yet not alone as I have invited others to share their gifts amidst the unknown. If you happen to be in Ashland on Friday night, come a join us at “Awakening Ecstasy In-Formation…New Twists on Money, Power, Sex and Death”.

It appears that once again the posting is to be short…..to be in reflection and stillness.

Until the next time in Peace and Gratitude

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Since the last entry it is as though I have immersed myself in a bubble of finding my way in this new city and wishing life to unfold as I desire it to look! Which of course it doesn’t….yet it will be right!

I am in Ashland, OR as explained previously and the past week has been on e of cold temps, snow, rain, sun and all in between. Discovering the communities of dance, art, music, walks in nature, students speaking out, meeting new people and the potential of amazing ideas actually evolving has kept me away from world events and what is happening or not beyond my safe confines.World events-Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, New Zealand, plus many others show us where courage and compassion live, what it is to move from fear and blockage to power, courage and shared vision….and all is beyond politics at the end of the day because it is the pure truth within hearts that make this happen.

Earlier in the week this came up from within me….where is my courage, what am I doing to make a difference as a sparkle of potential in this lifetime! I didn’t know what to write about today, just that I had to connect with you. Then opening up wordpress the link below caught my attention and so I followed it……hope you do the same thing.

Protest: Egypt, France, Venezuela

This young woman was writing my feelings for today…it is about finding and operating in courage and purpose to make the greater potential possible. She hasn’t experienced living in the midst of massive demonstrations of change that challenge and dismantle the status quo set forth for hundreds/thousands of years. In the past I have stepped into and though different forms of courage yet today I feel empty which is probably exactly where I will find the next expression of courage and purpose to engage in….and I can pretty much guarantee it won’t look like anything I plan!

Next week I will be presenting my “conscious awakening theater” experience in Ashland titled “Awakening Ecstasy In-Formation…New Twists on Money, Power, Sex and Death”…the title always gets attention and offen a little disease, can’t image why! If you happen to be in Ashland come and join us…contact me for more details.

I am going to leave you with this short entry today with many questions unanswered and even more forming. Between now and our next meeting it will be interesting to see what appears besides my new grandson who will make his entry sometime within the next 36 hours…in time for the New Moon in Pisces on Friday!

As always..Blessings to All of our connections through Soul Vision!


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A writing feast or famine!

Last week when driving through Utah I was reminded of a very special life changing experience Jerame and I shared in July of 2001 (I think that was the year). We went to spend four days at the Lakota Sundance Ceremony, a ceremonial weekend being lead by Lakota Elder Red Earth, my teacher and friend.

Approaching the Ogden exit I called Jerame and asked if I could share this and he agreed. Once again there are great lessons in the ways the weekend played out for us and most especially how “unrelated fears and pain of different people can and do have a physical effect in completely unsuspecting ways. Life is a constant learning and refining experience!

I do not have any photos to go along with the story therefore forgive the mass of words!

Sundance of Thanksgiving

The Sacred Fire burned. The Sacred Tree was in place. The dancers who had been in preparation for a year were anxious with anticipation, fear, power and honor. All the dancers, friends and supporters were required to pass through the gate to receive the ceremonial smudging with sage, the purifying smoke that frees impurities and negativity to the heavens of The Creator.

My son Jerame had joined me on the trip to Utah to experience the Lakota ceremony of Thanksgiving known as Sundance. In the beginning his reasons for coming were (1) to get away and (2) so Mum didn’t have to drive alone! The drive from Denver took us through the beautiful landscapes of Northern Colorado, fields with buffalo and elk grazing in Wyoming and into Utah. The camp site and ceremonial grounds were tucked away in a quiet, beautiful valley surrounded by craggy high ridges of small mountains filled with ancient and painful memories of village massacres and spiritual wisdom from the Ancestors.

After arriving at the camp, setting up and meeting with some other attendees, Jerame began to see power-plays between some on the young Lakota men and the white visitors. He became quite angry at what he saw as their unnecessary arrogance and rudeness, deciding he wanted to leave rather than have his buttons pushed! Several calming mother/son conversations later opened the way for Jerame to experience a weekend of many powerful awakenings.

The Sacred Ceremony of The Sundance represents the Native American tradition of Thanksgiving. This particular Sundance was being lead by my gentle teacher, Red Earth, a Lakota Sioux Elder who stepped into the position due the illness of Chief Richard Swallow Eagle, respected elder of other past Sundance ceremonies. It was an honor for me to learn and support my teacher during that difficult time.  Ceremonies such as Sundance, Ghost Dance and the cleansing sweat lodges had been forbidden for many years by both the government and “do good” Christian missionaries, all done under the guise of disempowering and saving the souls of savages. It is such irony that so many now seek to learn more of these ancient and earth-saving wisdoms.

The warriors who ‘dance in ceremony around the Sacred Tree’ are giving of themselves in gratitude for their lives and giving to impact the greater tribe, in essence, people from everywhere. To end the long preparation all the dancers have fasted for several days, having no food or water at all, this fasting continues until they have fulfilled their sacred Sundance commitment. For four days the power of this sacred experience as sounded through the beat of the Mother Drum which builds as each day the dancers who have chosen this path surrender themselves to the Sacred Tree. On the fourth day those who have chosen are pierced with small pieces of  bone through their chest or back skin and tethered to the Tree for as long as the journey of surrender takes. The dancers are surrounded and supported by family, friends, tribe elders and teachers, along with the Ancestors watching from the craggy rock walls surrounding the quiet valley. Each day is filled with several ceremonies, some lasting three hour plus at a stretch. The sound of drums, flutes, rattles and voices transport all present in ways they cannot avoid but be moved and changed so very profoundly.

As an energy healer and Reiki Master, I was honored to be asked to offer work with the dancers during their breaks, giving them an energetic boost and support as the days of fasting and dancing moved on. During these days I had two profound yet very different experiences to show me the power and unseen hold of emotionally energy and fear has on people, and to see the beauty and flow of new life energy.

Dancing Through Fear

The sound of drums began to die down as the Grand Entrance Dance drew to an end and dancers made their way to the cover resting space adjacent to the sacred circle. Some looked exhilarated, some dazed and still others exhausted yet there were still many hours and days of ceremony to go.

Red Earth had approached me and two other visiting women healers to help the dancers during these breaks. I was very honored by this request. Quietly I approached the first young man who was more than happy to receive a nurturing and tender boost to his energy. Just five to ten minutes was all that was needed most of the time. As time was short, Spirit turned up the power as I opened as a willing conduit. A couple of times my offer of help was refused and that was fine. I moved from man to man as the time allowed.

Then I felt a young man’s eyes seeking me out. “Oh yes please, I would be grateful of some energy!” was his response.

He lay on a blanket and I gently did my work. He drifted off to another place and then came back with a quick “thank you, work on someone else now”,ot up and moved away.

I spied a man in a chair about ten feet away. He did not look good, stress and fear oozed from him. He gladly agreed to my offer of help. Because of his exhaustion I said he could stay in the chair but after a couple of minutes he nearly passed out so I moved him to the ground. I knew something was very wrong with him yet no one else appeared concerned!

I began my energetic work on him. His fear was monumental yet I didn’t know why at that moment. As the drums started up again and the dancers moved out into the sacred circle, again his body began to freeze up. I called to another healer to help me. She moved to his feet and grateful follow my instructions. We worked in silence and in unison. The music in the background would come and go in waves of loudness. The man’s body would also respond in degrees of tension and fear and I still did not understand why.

All this time my back was to the circle of dancers so I could not see what was happening, I only heard the drumming and the songs. Again the drumming, singing and sounds of support grew louder, faster, louder, faster. And correspondingly the fear and tension in the man on the ground echoed. My helper stayed silent. I began to talk and coach the man through the breaths, to use the energy to move beyond the place he feared, a crescendo of drums, sounds and pain built, the combination of awe and fear kept us going, the three of us working as one.

I could feel the peak was coming and knew I had to stay calm and focused on the channel of energy being generated. The peak in the sacred circle was also being reached and suddenly out of nowhere drums and sounds of joy rang all around us. And at exactly the same moment the man shuddered, cried out and released what was holding him. His face was dazed and tears steamed from his eyes. I thanked God he was safe!

I turned to see what was happening in the circle, the sounds of joy and relief were everywhere, and then I saw why and I was shocked!

A young man celebrated his feat. Trickles of blood run down his back, yet the light of his faced was what I caught. On the ground of the circle lay two lengths of leather with seven buffalo skulls attached. I later learned that “dragging the buffalo skulls” is done by only a few men and represents “the dragging and finally releasing past generations held in pain, anger, violence, wrongdoing and death, giving thanks for their sacrifices and now for a new beginning.” The young man in celebration was the same young man who had searched me out earlier.

My attention returned to the man on the ground. He was quickly reviving. I shared what I had just seen and he began to cry, really cry which I allowed him to do. “I was so afraid for him. I was afraid of the pain for myself and I could not continue. And I was afraid of the pain for him. I let him down!” he sobbed.

Now the dancers were moving from the circle for a well-earned rest. I went to the joyful young man and asked if he would see his friend, he has something to tell you! Moments later these two men are hugging each other and crying. When the truth was shared more tears and the relief was palpable and affected more than just these two men. Healing was returning to the man who now sat on a chair in the shade.

“I need to share something else with you if I may” he said to me.

“Two weeks ago my father died and I have been in so much pain and fear of losing him ever since. I didn’t know how I could go through this without him and then after he died I couldn’t let him go. I was holding on so tight but now I know he is with me in a different way and I don’t have to fear or hold on!”

To say the least I was moved to tears also but for another reason. Alongside my son Jerame, we had been honored to witness the evolution of the warrior’s spirit through ceremony of song and dance, pain and joy, strength and vulnerability, fear and peace, holding on and letting go, of the male and the female balancing and supporting each other as needed.

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As you all know I started a journey of “retracing paths across this country” on December 10th, leaving McCloud/Mt Shasta area and heading southeast for visits with friends in Las Vegas, Santa Fe before heading to Kansas City and Florida to visit my sons. Up until that point I have shared the road trip in several blog postings but since January 1 I have been silent.

My understanding and initial reason for this journey was to retrace and clear threads for the arrival of my grandson at the end of February, early March. I had no idea how it would play out, who would be involved, what would happen and how long I would stay. I thought I would stay until mid March.

So much played out in completely unexpected ways! I will not go into specifics for privacy reasons yet I will say I am not without fault in causing hurt, tears, anger and unraveling in several circumstances. Underneath the surface when a protective glass ceiling was shattered, most involved saw and acted from old and protected fears, not just myself. On all sides much was misunderstood and misperceived because of only having certain pieces of information and vision.

I can only speak for myself, who I am as a Manifestor with strong astrology of fire and water (search Human Design), both my son’s are Manifestors (and  my father) and this fact alone creates incredible challenges in relationships.  To give you the impression that because “of all my wisdom, knowledge and the spiritual path I walk” I am perfect and squeaky clean would be a lie. I am perfectly imperfect as everyone else in the gifts, compassion, love and joy I can bring to life as well as the unintentional hurt I have caused those I love at different times in my life’s experience.

The fear of sharing feelings, hurts, pains and anger by and with others, in appropriate timing, creates deep wounds as infants, children, youth and adults. When these come out the original situation causing the misunderstanding is long gone and all that is left is a festering sore. So often I (using myself as the general example) do not appreciate how others see or even understand my words, humor, doubts or life path. And this is also true in reverse, in seeing others. Then finally when these fears and feelings are exposed they are coated with muck and sludge of many unrelated past experiences only amplified in the present, blurring the lines of right and wrong and good and bad.

The awareness I have gained is such a blessing. Humility and vulnerability have opened new doors to my heart. I believe my relationships with my sons most specifically have strengthened in ways beyond explanation. We have a greater understanding of what it means to “follow the guidance and pull of the heart”, to share “truth” in the moment and understand one’s soul journey is greater than societal constraints.  They are free to journey with the new families they choose to embrace with my blessing and love as the mother they chose.

And it is now we await the arrival of sweet Brayden William to shine his light and love as no other….for this is the unique role of each one of Planet Earth.

Florida and Return

The physical journey of driving so many miles also taught me a great deal. My little girl arrived in KC with squeaks, rattles and stiffness. While there she got a rest as I chose to fly to Tampa instead of drive. Mathew and Shannon live near a small beach so the daily walks and wading in the water was wonderful. Shannon and I shopped the farmer’s market on Saturday, I enjoyed cooking for them, talking and sharing, assembling the baby crib and just being for 10 days. Plus the weather was wonderful! I left Mathew and Shannon to enjoy their last two months of togetherness knowing I’ll return (by air next time) to welcome Brayden and visit a friend or two on the East Florida coast.

Returning to KC gave Jerame and me a wonderful opportunity to share a fabulous dinner and talk. Deep inside I knew the retracing was complete, at least for now. It was time to leave, “let him grow in his life journey” and for me to “do what I need to do!”

The trip to Kansas City was 2,000 miles, give or take a mile. During the drive time and endless miles I listened to tapes made of the meditation chants and flutes. Although they were played over and over again I never tired of them. There was also much quiet time along the way, to think and observe. On previous road trips I had plenty of books on tape, not this time, wasn’t important!

Last Tuesday, January 11th I began the next part, the return to California. I would begin by driving north from KC into Nebraska where I hoped to reach Grand Island on the first night. It was about a 6 hour trip following Hwys 475, 29 and 80. This was also retracing as we had lived in Grand Island for three years in the 90s and it had been an extremely challenging experience.

About 4:00pm just 50 miles from GI a strange noise, the temp gauge in the red zone and panic! Pulling over with traffic speeding by, the temperature around 10 deg, I opened the hood to see fluids, water everywhere. Thankfully I had road service with State Farm. The young woman stayed on the line while arranging for a tow. Two farmers stopped to kindly offer assistance. By the time the tow truck arrived it was just about dark. He took me to York, NE, a small town of 8000 + population. The next day I spent waiting for the water pump to be replaced and I finally drove out of there at 4:30pm.

During the day I had the intuition to try couch surfing in Cheyenne, WY (7 hours from York).

A young woman named Tara offer her home and so I arrived there about 11pm, just after she arrived home from work as an airline dispatcher. Tara was gracious and friendly. Her friend Brian came over to visit and we all sat up until nearly 2am chatting. They both have private pilot licenses and it was fun sharing stories of their work and flying adventures. Made me remember when I had taken a flying lesson and studied for a short while to get a license many years ago.

The next morning, Wednesday, I left Cheyenne and made it to Evanston, WY, another seven hour drive across the wide open lands. All the way across Wyoming’s landscape there are oil/natural gas wells and power plants. There is also the occasional small prison facility. The winds that day were amazing. Signs on the highway warned of 40-60 mph winds, light trailers not advised. This is when I was thankful for the extra weight of stuff in the car. Arriving after dark I found a hotel and rested.

Thursday morning was cold, windy and overcast. Evanston is on the west end of Wyoming just a few miles from the Utah line. After about 50 miles I saw a sign “Reno – 550 miles”. Oh my, can I make it!  Salt Lake City was mid way and I didn’t want to stay there…hotel prices are way too high because of ski season. I drove all the way across Utah, passed the Great Salt Lake, entered Nevada and kept driving, only stopping for gas breaks. Nevada is even more desolate with points on the map but no services. Where WY had wells, NV has prisons scattered across it, spaced about 100 miles + between each one. There is big money in prisons. If towns are built around them they have to keep them filled for economic growth, this is a sad testimony to society and optimism in life!

Most of the miles across NV were in silence and I was amazed that tiredness never entered my mind. Looking at the map I chose to bypass Reno and go through Carson City. (In hindsight it was crazy!) I arrived in Carson City just as it was getting dark and the traffic getting heavier. Trying to follow signs that detour was awful. Heading up the Tahoe hill at the summit I thought I was going the wrong way, did a U-turn and went down to ask directions at a gas station. She sent me back up the hill and farther on around the lake to connect with Hwy 50 to Placerville. This proved to be a horrendous white knuckle drive of 170 miles, arriving in Placerville at 10:30pm.  A hotel was tempting until a price of $99 + was quoted. Only another couple of hours to my destination of Sonora…I could make it and I still felt surprisingly good. Another cup of coffee and hit Hwy 49, by day a scenic winding road…at night it was a little more challenging, especially when I missed a turn and ended up 10 miles in the wrong direction.

I finally pulled into the home of Andre and Stephanie at 1:30am on Friday morning. Allowing for time changes I arrived 17 hours (800 miles) after leaving Evanston, WY on Thursday morning. If there was any doubt that I should not have returned to California, this feat disproved that. Still not ready for sleep, Stephanie and I sat up a talked over several glasses of wine until nearly 5am.

Now I am resting, reflecting and realigning for what is next. I feel the need to settle, ground and refine my work as a communicator and awakener….the title of my theater production has taken on new meaning also… “Awakening and Igniting Ecstasy In-Formation”. I’m not sure what it will look like, however, I hope you will join me on that journey.

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Back Soon!

Thank you for joining me again!

As the world turns and changes so do we!

I will return to writing shortly.

In Peace and with Blessings to all.

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For miles and miles I watched the road in front of me unfold towards the rising sun of the east, locked in the vacuum of my car and our private world. Before the journey began I had intentions of recording stories and thoughts in all the alone time I would have. I purchased a recorder for that exact purpose and I do have to say it was used, but no where near as much as I thought.

The other company with me on the journey was several tapes of the “morning sadhana chants” I had participated in earlier in the year in Mt Shasta. Starting on December 21 (a year ago today) a small group of us gathered at the Flying Lotus just before 4AM to share in kundalini yoga and the “short Ek Ong Kar” chant – there was nothing short about it…..a full 2 1/2 hours to completion each day for 21 consecutive days As I have mentioned before, this was an amazing experience!

Well this, along with other chants was my company.  And then there were the hours of silence each day.

Are you afraid of silence! I know people who are. There always has to be noise of some sort….radio, TV, kids, talking…..all distracting from what the silence within is requesting. Jessica reminded me of this one day during felting….I was trying to decide on a design and nothing was coming.

“Sit quietly and do Breathe of Fire for a few minutes”.  I sat by the fire, stilled myself and began the breathe and sure enough, after a few minutes I was still inside, my head was clearer and as I looked at the project in front of me an image revealed itself….the answer came in the stillness of the breathe!

And in stillness and silence comes fear!  The drive from Mt Shasta to Bishop was 8 ½ hours.

The next day leaving Bishop, CA on Hwy 395, the road to Hwy 95 and Las Vegas opened that door, the door of fear! Hwy 168, an 89 mile cut across CA and NV, across a mix of mountains and flat expansive plateaus and no one else. In the early morning there was on one on this road….there was nothing else on this road for miles and miles….I didn’t even see any wildlife.

At the beginning of every day’s drive I would say a blessing and request safety and protection for myself, my little girl (car) and all those around me.  As the miles unfolded on this road a sense of vulnerability enveloped everything and in the silence my fears raised. Immediately the music was turned on and up high. I sang along to avoid myself.

Why was I in fear? The thoughts were “I’m alone, no one knows where I am, and will my car be OK!” And then it hit me. In the incredible expansiveness of this land, of its stark beauty perceivably devoid of life……I was completely INSIGNIFICANT! As a grain of sand on a massive beach….if taken away nothing would change, no one would miss “just one grain of sand, one little speck on the expansive landscape!

Is this what all our fears are about, no matter what they are…..of being insignificant…..is this why silence is so scary…….because in silence we do not contribute anything…..except the abundance of our consciousness!

What is in our consciousness?   Only the totality of our soul’s existence….only everything one has ever done, thought, felt, heard, lived….only all memory of one’s universe….only all memory of the universe itself…..only the memory that each one of humanity has and is a fractal of the ONE UNIVERSE and related to each other…..only that one is SIGNIFICANT in our small fraction of life……and this is only revealed when the light of love is turned on!

For those not familiar with fractals…Unlike fragments which are pieces of the puzzle, each one different, yet when placed correctly form a complete picture. A fractal is the complete picture, multiplied and replicated over and over again.  And to go a little further, it could be said that each person and their soul’s existence are a combination of fragments and fractals…….this is for a greater discussion on another road!

(These photos are the driver’s view, not from beauty of form and they cannot capture the real eye and heart view in the moment.)

At the sight of the first car coming towards me the aloneness dissipated. The 89 miles, a mix of narrow winding roads and straight expansive stretches took 2 ½ hours and the sight of Hwy 95 was a relief.  And Hwy 95 is not a highway one you would want to travel at night…it takes you through more desolate, stark landscape…..a long, straight road without services for miles and miles and miles and miles but during the day there is traffic!

Hwy 95 through Nevada to Las Vegas goes through the infamous Area 51 – UFO Country – and I can believe it!

From Stillness to Overload!

In the last posting I took you to Las Vegas and my visit with Sheila Z.  I only touched on the sights I came across in Red Rock Canyon and “on the strip”.

So often we get lost in the our world not seeing much of what else is around, in other words the world portrayed by commercialism, government, media, fear and control.

For several hours I watched so many of the thousands of people walking the strip or sitting behind the slots in incredibly glamorous hotels and casino, appearing to be “devoid of life and soul”…only shells of their potential, not as God’s creation but of man’s de-evolution.

Hypnotized by the lights, colors, activity, constant noise, play of machines and the internal plea “to hit it big and solve all of life’s problems” kept some of these people coming back. Of course, many oame to Vegas for the entertainment, glamour and excitement without being caught in it, yet far too many were and are not so fortunate. And this goes for the other addictions that take over one’s life!

I remember back when Jerame’s and his friend, Jarrod  spent a summer in Bull Head City, NV, just 90+ miles south of Vegas. Jarrod’s grandmother lived there and so these two young men in search of a different adventure headed west by train. Mathew and I visited him for two weeks. We traveled to Sedona and the Grand Canyon and endured the desert sun. The boys got jobs as hotel valets and spent hours running back and forth in and out of the hot sun and cold air conditioning. I remember Jerame commenting one day that he watched people, all types, rich and poor, well and ill…spend hours, all day and night, just sitting in front of these machines, pulling the handles or pushing the buttons to make “the wheels spin” in the hope the right sequences would appear. One day Jerame shared “Sometimes they wouldn’t even leave the machine to go to the bathroom; they peed in the coin cups!”

At our lowest ebbs in life, when life has or is not going well due to conflict, pain, illness, violence, anything or  anyone else, when one allows to submit to their control…life is lost.

On the Road Again….

From Vegas I headed to Kingman and then to Flagstaff, AZ. This would be only a four hour stretch so I thought I would go a couple of hours beyond Flagstaff before stopping. Years ago it was no trouble for me to drive 10-12 hours at a time, and had done so many, many times. But now 8 hours seemed to be my limit!

About an hour out of Flagstaff, my friend Leela called to say hello and chat. And so timely it was! Leela has traveled this road many times and when I told her of my plans she advised me to stay in Flagstaff as the road from there to Albuquerque had only a scattering of stops and hotels. I took her advice!

Some of you may even have heard of Leela Hutchinson. Leela, a gemologist was the first woman to enter and photograph the amazing Crystal Selenite Caves in Southern New Mexico. The Discovery Channel has aired several programs on this incredible place!

Flagstaff, AZ has a small, quaint and artistic downtown. Lots of restaurants and specialty boutiques. While walking I was drawn into Sacred Rites….Therapy Instruments and Monochords. Tibetan prayer flags fluttered in the breeze and ornaments of Buddha, Kwan Yin and other beautiful pieces adorned the window.

Inside there were drums, flutes, gongs and other instruments of all sizes and shapes. Kelly, the owner greeted me. He was playing a monochord and had several on the counter. The beautiful soothing sound of this little instrument was relaxing, especially after so many days on the road.

A monochord is a 12 string instrument, like a flat dulcimer. It is turned to one note, for instance a C, A, D, etc. Each string is tuned to a different tone of that same note. When played or really, strummed, the gentle resonance of the particular note is experienced.

The monochords on display he had commissioned to be made by a local craftsman. The larger lounge chair style I experienced had come from Germany. One side was designed to sound with a padded mallet and on the other side were strings, not unlike a harp. Kelly sat on the floor to the side. I lay on the chair. The sounds from this monochord gentle reverberated though the wood into the body…very subtly at first and slowly strengthening, combined with his soft toning voice….the sounds of healing wafted in the air.  To learn more you can search Monochords on the Internet.

After a good nights sleep I headed further east on Hwy 40 to Albuquerque and the HWY 25 To Santa Fe. This would take me 7 ½ hours!

(Note in this last photo the rainbow energy emerging from the rock cavern)

The journey of retracing steps continues………

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